Mount Pleasant, Iowa, USA — how to get from the Amtrak station to the Burlingon Trailways bus stop?

Mount Pleasant, Iowa, USA — how to get from the Amtrak station to the Burlingon Trailways bus stop? - Red stop button on yellow handrail in modern empty public bus during daytime

Amtrak train 6 arrives Mount Pleasant at 9:54 (AM). From Mount Pleasant to Iowa City, Burlington Trailways operates a bus leaving at 14:55 (2:55 PM). The Amtrak station is at 418 North Adams Street in the center of Mount Pleasant. The Burlington Trailways bus stop is at 2005 East Washington Street close to the freeway access ramp. The distance between the two is 3.2 km (2.0 mi). Although it would be possible (just not very comfortable) to walk this distance with my luggage (unless the train is very late, I will have enough time), from Google Streetview I get the impression it's not very suitable for walking.

What are my alternatives to get from the Mount Pleasant Amtrak station to the Mount Pleasant Burlington Trailways bus stop? Is there any local public transportation? Any taxis that I can call or expect to be there? Is there a service through Amtrak to book local connecting transportation? Any other options I'm not thinking of?

P.S. I'm aware that Amtrak trains often run late, but this has improved in recent years, and I'm betting a 4⅘-hour transit is sufficient.

Best Answer

Aside from the taxi service that you noted in a comment, which may or may not still be in operation, since it appears to be someone's mobile phone...

By looking at your map, I see that you can walk nearly the entire distance on residential streets, leaving you about 350 meters through an industrial area and about 100 meters on US 34 where there is a right-turn lane but no shoulder. I would have no qualms about making this walk with rolling luggage.

Also, in rural areas, the taxi service(s) if any will typically know the bus and train schedules and often will arrange to be at the station when a bus or train arrives, in case a departing passenger needs a taxi. Or the taxi phone number will be available from the staff at the station.

Pictures about "Mount Pleasant, Iowa, USA — how to get from the Amtrak station to the Burlingon Trailways bus stop?"

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Mount Pleasant, Iowa, USA — how to get from the Amtrak station to the Burlingon Trailways bus stop? - Ethnic doctor with smartphone against urban bus
Mount Pleasant, Iowa, USA — how to get from the Amtrak station to the Burlingon Trailways bus stop? - Unusual mirrored aluminium ceiling of contemporary metro station

City of Mount Pleasant, Iowa Featured on Today in America TV with Terry Bradshaw

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Images: Will Mu, Maria Orlova, Laura James, Laura Tancredi