Is it possible to apply for Russian passport by mail/internet in North America?

Is it possible to apply for Russian passport by mail/internet in North America? - Person Holding A Russian Passport

There is a limited number of Russian consulates across the vast territory of North America, and it would be quite inconvenient to have to attend one of them in person for passport renewal, especially since at least some of them appear to require lengthy prior appointments.

Is there perhaps any way to apply for a Russian passport by mail or over the internet, when abroad?

I recall seeing some info on the SF web-site that mail applications were discontinued (this info has since been removed, it appears), is there any information why and when it was discontinued?

It seems like the present regulations might require in-person appearance, but it's somewhat difficult to track when such regulations were introduced and what were the prior ones.

Does federal law cover this at all?

It seems like Федеральный закон № 114-ФЗ от 15 августа 1996 г. says the following:

Паспорт оформляется гражданину Российской Федерации по его письменному заявлению о выдаче паспорта, поданному лично, через его законного представителя или в форме электронного документа с использованием информационно-телекоммуникационных сетей общего пользования, в том числе сети Интернет, включая единый портал государственных и муниципальных услуг

Is there any way to construe USPS or FedEx/UPS as one's legal representative? Or how does one make the whole application through the internet and/or mail?

Are there perhaps any other developments for a more speedy passport issuance than the personal attendance plus the three months for processing?

Best Answer

Consulates and Embassy in the USA have required in person visit for renewal and pickup of the Russian passport. Spoke with the consulate in Seattle today and apparently there is some legislation that has passed but not yet effective, that will enable some passport services to take place by mail in the future. He had no information on effective date.

Pictures about "Is it possible to apply for Russian passport by mail/internet in North America?"

Is it possible to apply for Russian passport by mail/internet in North America? - Photo of a Brown Passport Beside a Wallet with Dollar Bills
Is it possible to apply for Russian passport by mail/internet in North America? - Photograph of a Leather Wallet with Dollar Bills Beside a Passport
Is it possible to apply for Russian passport by mail/internet in North America? - Positive African American female beauty influencer recording makeup tutorial on cellphone while applying eyeshadow on client

How long does it take for a Russian citizen to get a passport?

Russian passports are valid for 10 years. Decisions on Russian citizenship applications can take up to a year and are made by the Office of the President of the Russian Federation. Applications via the simplified process take up to six months and are made by the GUVM.

How long does it take to get an internal Russian passport?

The processing time is 2-3 months, the processing fee is $1,500.00. Requests for new passports due to name changes, including name changes after marriage. Processing time is 2-3 months, the processing fee is $1,500.00.

How much is a Russian international passport?

Russian passportPurposeIdentification, proof of citizenshipEligibilityRussian Federation citizenshipExpiration10 years (biometric), 5 years (non-biometric)Cost5000\u20bd (~$46) for biometric passport, 2000\u20bd (~$18) for non-biometric4 more rows

Can US citizens go to Russia?

To enter Russia for any purpose, a U.S. citizen must possess a valid U.S. passport and a bona fide visa issued by a Russian Embassy or Consulate. It is impossible to obtain an entry visa upon arrival, so travelers must apply for their visas well in advance.

Does Russia Allow Dual Citizenship?

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Images: Tima Miroshnichenko, Natasha Chebanoo, Natasha Chebanoo, George Milton