If I have a visa for 20 days and I extend my stay, what are the legal implications to me and my sponsor?

If I have a visa for 20 days and I extend my stay, what are the legal implications to me and my sponsor? - Woman Kissing Another Woman on the Forehead

My husband has been staying in Germany for the last 5 years. I have a Schengen visit visa for 20 days.

If I stay beyond 20 days after finishing my visa, what are the legal implications for me and my sponsor?

Best Answer

It depends on how you got your visa.

  • You may have to pay a fine when you leave, and it will become much harder to get any future visa.
  • What happens to your sponsor depends on how he sponsored you. In Germany there is something called a Verpflichtungserklärung which is a promise by the sponsor to reimburse the German state for all costs of your overstay and removal. If he signed that, they'll demand that cost. If he hat to put down a deposit, the cost is not limited to the deposit.
    If you qualified for a visa without a Verpflichtungserklärung this does not apply.

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If I have a visa for 20 days and I extend my stay, what are the legal implications to me and my sponsor? - A Woman Protesting with Messages on Band Aids
If I have a visa for 20 days and I extend my stay, what are the legal implications to me and my sponsor? - I Hate Nothing About You With Red Heart Light
If I have a visa for 20 days and I extend my stay, what are the legal implications to me and my sponsor? - Brown Steel Letter B Wall Decor

Can you adjust your status if you overstay your visa?

You can adjust your status even if you overstayed your visa \u2013 as long as you originally entered the U.S. with a valid visa or visa waiver.

How long can a tourist visa be extended?

B1 Visa Extension and B2 Visa Extension You are allowed to extend tourist visa and extend your business date if you are B1 or B2 holder. The typical amount of time granted to a B visa holder is one to six months. The maximum amount of time you can extend on a B-1 visa is up to 6 months, for a total of 1 year.

How do they know if you overstay your visa UK?

Overstaying can result in a blemished immigration record, impacting any future UK immigration applications. The Home Office does not remind individuals of their visa expiry date. If you are unsure if you have overstayed, you should check your biometric residence permit or look for a stamp or sticker in your passport.

What happens if you overstay a tourist visa?

If you have more than 180 days of unlawful presence, meaning you overstayed your visa by 181 days or more, you will be barred from returning to the United States for a certain amount of time. If you were unlawfully present for between 180 and 365 days, you will be barred from entering the United States for three years.

What is a Visa Overstay? Consequences and Solutions to Over staying a Visa

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Images: Ketut Subiyanto, ShotPot, Designecologist, cottonbro