How do I know about judgement on Schengen Visa overstay for 2 days in Switzerland?

How do I know about judgement on Schengen Visa overstay for 2 days in Switzerland? - Pen on to Do List Paper

I am an Indian graduate student in US and was doing internship in Switzerland last summer. I entered Switzerland via Zurich on June 1 2019 and left Zurich on August 31 2019. I had a 90 days visa as my authorization from Zurich canton was for 3 months. Long story short, I did not know that this period will not be considered as 3 months but instead counted as 92days. I was blocked at Zurich airport passport control where the officer informed me about 2 days overstay. They made me sign some papers fill up some details and then let me go with a normal exit stamp on my passport. They did NOT give me any copy of any document and just said I could be fined and they will send a judgement in my US home address.

However it has been almost 6 months now, but I haven’t received any judgement from their court or immigration office regarding a fine or a ban in my US home address or email. I am quite positive I have provided them the correct address or email address.

There is a conference in Greece in April 2020, for which I intend to apply for a Schengen visa, but I am afraid to take a step until I know what is going on with this situation. Has anyone faced this before?

How do I know what has happened? Does anybody know how to approach this? How do I know if I am fined or banned?

The New York Swiss embassy said they don’t have any information on this. I sent an email to District court of Bülach at ( but they haven’t replied back!neither does their phone number work.

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How do they know if you overstay your visa Europe?

The first thing to know is that now, with computerized visa checks in place across the Schengen Area, an overstayed visa never goes unnoticed. Immigration authorities have registered in their databases every person that enters and leaves, and if you overstay, even for just one day, it will be recorded.

What happens if you overstay your visa in Switzerland?

A third-country national who stays for more than 90 days in the Schengen area (without a residence permit or a long-stay visa) is overstaying and is therefore in an irregular situation. This can lead to a criminal prosecution and a to an entry ban to the Schengen area.

What happens if you overstay in Schengen zone?

You may be deported immediately, within just a few hours or after a few days. On the other hand, if you get caught engaging in paid activity while overstaying your visa, or engaging in illegal activities, you will most possibly be taken into custody where you will wait for your trial.

What happens if you accidentally overstay your visa?

If you overstay by one year or more, after you depart the U.S., you will be barred from reentering the U.S. for ten years. This is because unlawful presence is one of the many U.S. grounds of inadmissibility, with built-in penalties.

Overstaying in the Schengen Zone - How to Extend Your Stay in Europe UPDATED

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Breakingpic, Designecologist, Laura Penwell, cottonbro