Flying from Lyon to Kuala Lumpur, do I need to recheck-in at London Heathrow transit?

Flying from Lyon to Kuala Lumpur, do I need to recheck-in at London Heathrow transit? - Low Angle Photography of High Rise Buildings

I plan to travel from Lyon (France) to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) with a transit stop at London Heathrow (UK).

The former flight is from Lyon Saint-Exupery (LYS) to London Heathrow (LHR) with British Airways (Flight Code : BA 365).

The latter, after 3 hours and 10 minutes of transit, is from London Heathrow (LHR) to Kuala-Lumpur (KUL) with Malaysia Airlines (Flight Code : MH 3).

My question is simple : Do I need to recheck-in and check (take it and register again) my bags at London Heathrow (LHR) or is it managed by the company or the airport so I don't have to worry about that ?

What I know :

  • British Airways and Malaysia Airlines are members of the same alliance since Malaysia Airlines joined it in 2013 (OneWorld)
  • I have to change from Terminal 3 to Terminal 4 at London Heathrow (LHR)
  • There is no code share. Each flight has its own flight code (BA365 for British and MH3 for Malaysian).

Best Answer

If you are buying all your flights together in one single transaction, then yes your baggage will be checkled through. You will not need to collect your luggage in Heathrow. You should recieve all your boarding passes at the check in desk in LYS but even if you do not, you can collect your Malaysian Airlines boarding pass once you get to Terminal 4. Simply follow the purple signs for flight connections when you get to Heathrow. A free bus will transport you to Terninal 4. You do not need to enter the UK nor pass through UK immigration.

However there will be a security check at Heahrow because the UK government only trusts British airports to apply security screening.

(Even if you are buying several tickets through several separate unconnected transactions, it is BA policy to through-check to oneworld partners including Malaysian Airlines, however it may take some time to arrange this.)

Pictures about "Flying from Lyon to Kuala Lumpur, do I need to recheck-in at London Heathrow transit?"

Flying from Lyon to Kuala Lumpur, do I need to recheck-in at London Heathrow transit? - Person Wearing Gray Low-top Shoes
Flying from Lyon to Kuala Lumpur, do I need to recheck-in at London Heathrow transit? - Tower Bridge Photograph
Flying from Lyon to Kuala Lumpur, do I need to recheck-in at London Heathrow transit? - Grayscale Photo of Airplane on the Ground With Men Looking

Do I need to recheck my luggage at Heathrow?

It depends on your airline \u2013 often your baggage will be checked through to your final destination and you won't need to touch it at Heathrow. However, this service isn't available for all flights so check with your airline before you fly.

Do I need to go through customs for a connecting flight at Heathrow?

You will need to go through passport control (and customs if applicable) and then check in again as normal for your connecting flight, so please ensure you have enough time.

Do you have to check in again for a connecting flight?

In most cases, you'll receive your boarding pass for your connecting flight already when you check in for your first flight. This means you don't have to check in again for your next flight. If you haven't received it, you can go to the transfer desk or kiosk of the airline you're flying with to collect it.

Do I need a Covid test to transit through Heathrow?

Transiting passengers If you are transiting through Heathrow ('airside' or 'landside'), you do not need to quarantine or take any pre-departure or post-arrival COVID-19 tests.

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More answers regarding flying from Lyon to Kuala Lumpur, do I need to recheck-in at London Heathrow transit?

Answer 2

You will have to recheck your bags if you book two separate tickets and that the flights are not code shared.

British Airways and Malaysian are members of oneworld; thus you may be able to get a code-share flight from either of the operators. If this is the case, then you will not have to re-check your bags.

Bottom line - it depends on how you book your ticket.

The way you have described your itinerary, it sounds like you have two point-to-point tickets. The first is LYS-LHR on BA365, and the second LHR-KUL on MH003.

In this scenario, you will need to collect your bags and re-check in for your second flight. Your bags will be checked into LHR on your BA365.

It also means, that for the purposes of immigration - you need to be able to enter the UK (ie, this is not an airside transit).

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Andrea De Santis, Sohel Patel, javier gonzalez, Suzy Hazelwood