Does a Schengen visa refusal affect negatively Australian PR visa approval? [duplicate]

Does a Schengen visa refusal affect negatively Australian PR visa approval? [duplicate] - Passport on Top of a Planner

I am Iraqi passport holder living currently in Iraq with no valid Australian visa. I received an invitation to lodge my 189 visa and I am in process of lodging my PR visa. While I was studying in Australia 2012-August 2017 (completed and returned back to Iraq), I had a Schengen Visa refusal in March 2017 to Italy as I was going for a conference.

I did something wrong during the Italian visa process. The thing I did was I withdrew my passport from the Italian embassy (between the time of lodging my visa application to the refusal date). I withdrew passport because I had to travel to USA for another conference and the embassy did not issue visa as quick as usual. While I was in USA, I received an email by Italian embassy stating:
"One or more member state(s) consider you to be a threat to public policy, internal security, public health as defined in Article 2(19) of Regulation (EG) No 562/2006 (Schengen Borders Code) or the international relations of one or more of the member of states". Within this received email, they give me a chance to explain everything. I did and said that I withdrew my passport for this reason with a lot of supportive documents.

After returning to Australia, I sent back my passport and they sent me this refusal with the same reason quoted above. I am very confident that I do no have anything to hide.

I checked this I want to local German consulate and sought AZR. I received that "no details are stored under your name". So, the only possibilities, they considered when making decision for my schengen visa, are deceit or false/fake/contradictory.

Q1: How is to mention the above refusal reason in "circumstances of refusal" this form

Q2: How severe is this refusal on the likelihood of getting my Australian PR visa approved?

Q3: What is the best approach to handle this?

Thanks in Advance

Best Answer

A refusal for being a security threat is a Bad Thing™. You'll have to enlist the help of a competent lawyer specializing in these matters if you ever want to enter the Schengen area again. See the linked question for more details on this.

Now, in theory, Australia is free to make its own determination as to whether you're a risk or not, so you could still be granted the visa anyway.

However, you absolutely have to mention this refusal on your Australian application, and provide a complete and bullet-proof explanation of why exactly Schengen doesn't want you in. I personally don't see anything close to such a credible explanation in your question, but then I'm not an Australian visa officer.

Thus although there's nothing stopping you from applying anyway, I'd consider the risk of a refusal to be pretty high. I suspect you'll have to sort out the Schengen issue first.

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Does Schengen Visa refusal affect future visa application?

In cases where their reasons were fraudulent documents, criminal charges, faking the itinerary, and so on, it can do serious damage to your credibility and as a result, lead to your future visa applications being rejected regardless of the country.

Does visa refusal affect future visa application Australia?

This could affect your eligibility for future visas \u2013 but failing to disclose past visa refusal or cancellation entirely will usually result in the denial of your visa application.

What happens if Schengen Visa is rejected?

If your Schengen Visa is refused, you will receive a form that indicates the time you have to appeal the decision. If you do not appeal within this time frame the decision won't be reversed.

Do embassies know about visa refusal in other countries?

The embassy doesn't track your refusal, CLASS does. That's a database accessible to every American consular officer in the world at the click of a mouse, so it's not just the embassy where the visa refusal takes place.

Don't Do This in Your Visa Application | Failure to Disclose Past Visa Refusal | #misrepresentation

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Nataliya Vaitkevich, Pixabay, Karolina Grabowska, Karolina Grabowska