Category "visa-free-entry"

US citizen denied entry to the UK; will it go away if I renew my passport or get an enhanced drivers license?

I was denied entry to the UK due to unpaid house sitting (though I was originally let in for 45 days the first time after telling them I was house sitting). T

Overstayed in UK 10 years ago wants to visit UK under different nationality

I left UK in 2009 after overstaying by few years. I was interrogated at the airport before departing and I believe they entered my info in their system. I was

Proof of funds to enter Thailand visa-free: what does "well-known credit cards, which are honored in Thailand." mean?

As the French citizen, I can enter Thailand without a visa. According to the Timatic database, which I access through IATA, the entry is conditioned upon wheth

Can a Visa Waiver National Apply for a Uniform Schengen Visas (USV)?

I have a question about Schengen visas, specifically Uniform Schengen Visas (USV). Is it allowed for Nationals of 'Annex II' countries (visa waiver countries)

How often are visitors who are visa exempt but do not hold return/onward tickets refused entry or denied boarding to Thailand?

According to the Timatic database, which I access through IATA: Visitors who are visa exempt but do not hold return/onward tickets could be refused entry.

Is it possible to re enter to UK after get refused for the first time for visa-free passport holder? [duplicate]

I got refused for the first time to enter the UK as what the UK immigration had these points out during my interview. I had no ticket to emb

Will I be denied entry again? [duplicate]

I recently (Dec 2018) tried to enter the UK after traveling there for a week prior to December with no such trouble. This time however, I was

What are the rules for China's visa-free transit programs?

Assuming one wants to travel through China, what are the rules for visa-free access? To be more specific: How does the 24-hour visa free transit work? How does

Is there any minimum stay required in the next/onward country when applying for a visa-free transit entry in China?

I plan to enter Mainland China with the transit-without-visa (TWOV) program. I fly from country X to China, then fly from China to country Y. Is there any mini

After entering Mainland China with the transit-without-visa (TWOV) program, does one have to register with the local police station?

After entering Mainland China with the transit-without-visa (TWOV) program, does one have to register with the local police station? I read on https://en.wikip

How long can a Canadian stay in the US as a visitor after the TN status 60 days grace period?

I'm Canadian and I'm currently in the US on the TN status. I want to quit my job but stay in the US for as long as I can before I have to find a new job and get

How long does a Red Flag stay in Airport system

We are Americans and travel to Bkk about once a year and a couple of years ago my son was flagged for frequent visits even though it isn't the case. He was tol

Planning girlfriend visiting me in the UK

I'm a British Citizen by Birth. My girlfriend is a citizen of El Salvador. We are planning the future of our relationship and the possibility of getting married

Quitting job to visit my UK boyfriend for longer

So, I’m in a long distance relationship with a guy from England, we’ve been together for a little over a year now. He visited me here in the States

Calculating my 90 Schengen days precisely [duplicate]

I am a US citizen and know the 90-day allotted rule. But this time I need clarification. I am entering France on May 18th and had planned on

How many times can I travel between the US and Europe in a year? [duplicate]

I was just in Germany visiting a friend of mine in early January and I have the chance to go back again in early March. Is there an amount of

Deported form US twice, visiting England

I would like to take my boyfriend home for 1 month to visit meet my family and as a surprise for my grandma's 90th birthday. He is from El Salvador where I wo

Travelling to NZ on visa-waiver while WHV Transfer is pending

A little background: I received the Working Holiday Visa last year in December, but renewed my passport in January and forgot all about it until earlier this we

query re UK entry for tourist from australia [closed]

In 2018 we entered Uk to visit our daughter (who is on a 5 yr work visa) and grandchildren.Stayed just under 6 months, however we visited Germ

Can i leave the UK once my Tier 5 youth mobility visa runs out then come back to visit?

I'm an Australian who has been living in the UK for just over a year on a tier 5 youth mobility work visa. My plan is to work up until December which is when my