Category "schengen-visas"

May I convert Schengen Business visa into work permit or freelance visa in Germany? [closed]

A German company wants to hire me as a freelancer and to invite me with Schengen Business visa to be in Germany for three months. Can I conv

For Germany, can I apply for a long-term visa while holding a short-term one? [closed]

Can I apply for a family reunification visa while holding a visitor visa for Germany? My appointment for family reunification visa interview

Schengen travel insurance for couple

As per my understanding each individual is required to hold a travel insurance of 30,000 Euro for the process of application for a Schengen visa. However, The

Germany Schengen visa type D to blue card - travel restrictions on first arrival [closed]

I am Indian, presently resident in Egypt. I received a German Type D Schengen multiple-entry visa with 7 month's validity, when I applied for

What to fill under occupation if you have quit your job [duplicate]

I have worked as a Software Engineer for around 4 years, but I do not have a permanent job right now (aside from some freelance work). My pass

Can I visit London with a Type D schengen visa ?

I am a long stay student in France holding a type D schengen visa currently. The validity of my visa is 6months. I do not have OFII.

Non-EU citizen with valid UK BRP but working in Germany

I am a non EU citizen and hold a long term visa in Germany based on work contract. However, I have a valid UK biometric residence permit too and wish to travel

Am I allowed to travel with the kind of D visa "mult" even by car or bus?

I have a studienvisum or D visa which allows me to stay in Germany for six months. I was planing to go back at my country for Christmas holiday with some famil

Do I need to register with the police in Italy if I stay at a friend's place and not a hotel?

I hold an Indian passport and already got my Schengen tourist visa to Italy for visiting a friend. I read online on some websites that registration is needed w

The Netherlands Schengen visa [closed]

I have applied to the Netherlands for a Schengen visa. My husband is a UK national and we are planning a two-week visit to the Netherlands. I

Getting a Schengen visa issued at the border in case of missed connection and long layover

There is a provision for issuing Schengen visas at the border (see section 1.7 of this document): apart from meeting all regular criteria, the individual applyi

Does a 7 years old child need a separate bank statement?

I am going to apply for a Schengen tourist visa from the French embassy. My 7 years old daughter is accompanying me and I have a good bank statement. she is i

Australian citizens' internship in France [closed]

As an Australian, do I need a Schengen visa for doing four months internship in France?

Schengen visa from Italy without visiting Italy

I have an Italian-issued Schengen visa but, so far, I have visited Germany only. Can it be a problem in future if I don't visit Italy at all?

Planning to ask a long-term visa after tourism visa: which documents to pass the border? [closed]

I am European, living and working in Germany and my girlfriend, who is Brazilian, is soon to move in with me in Germany for ten months. We pla

How to read the dates on a Verpflichtungserklärung (German invitation letter)? [closed]

I am an Iranian passport holder. My German friend sent me a verpflichtungserklärung from the immigration office issued in Munchen. The

Multi entry Schengen visa

We have a multi-entry visa from 15-7-2016 until 15-7-2017. The calculator isn't working and keeps giving an error. We were already in the Schengen Area on thes

Flight at 00:20, but passing through Immigration before midnight

I have a German national visa that will take effect from March 1, 2017 up to August 31, 2017. I want to arrive there as early as possible, so I'm taking the ear

Do I have to leave the Schengen area if I have a short term (C) visa that will expire right before my National Visa (D) officially starts?

If I have a Type C visa from the Norwegian embassy valid for February 9-28, and my Type D national visa from the German embassy valid from March 1 - August 31,

Can I travel to Ukraine on a National Visa from Germany?

There are countries not in the Schengen area that can be visited as long as you have a Schengen visa. Does Ukraine allow that?