Category "overstaying"

Overstayed Schengen Visa, how long to wait before entering again?

I have overstayed a Schengen tourist visa in Hungary by about 2 months, due to just incredible foolishness and not checking visa rules thoroughly. I was denied

Schengen Visa - Overstay query

I hold an Indian Passport and reside in the UK. I have a valid work visa in the UK till Jan 2017. I have got my Schengen Visa on 24/05/2014 for the first time.

Canadian overstayed a US visit by one year what is the penality and when can he return to the US?

A Canadian was recently denied a weekend visit from Toronto to NY due to two previous overstays for about a year. What is the the penalty for this overstay? Ho

Got a Schengen visa that's too short for my trip, can I stay one more day?

My friends and O will be travelling in Paris for 15 days and in 6 days in Barcelona. We applied for our visa and got a 1 month visa. But we can only stay for 20

American overstay in Germany

My American passport says that I entered Amsterdam and that I left from Germany over a month later... once I returned directly to Germany. I proceeded to stay l

Applying for a B2 visa after previous overstay as a child?

Background: So I was brought into the US under the visa waiver program as an 11 year old child in January 2000. I voluntarily left the country on Sept. 2009 wh

If I leave through Hyder, will Canada know I've left?

I'm from the U.S. and I've been a visitor in Canada for almost six months. I was planning on going up to Hyder, AK and from there traveling around Alaska for a

I am applying for a Tier 5 Youth Mobility visa, but have been refused a visa/overstayed in the Czech Republic/Schengen zone [duplicate]

I am applying for the tier 5 Youth Mobility Visa from Canada. I traveled to the Czech Republic in 2012 and was denied a freelance working visa

Overstaying Schengen Visa for 1 day

I was in Germany last September, my visa said I had 14 days to stay in the Schengen area. When I was leaving back for Egypt the passport control officer notice

Depart US through Mexico while on B1/B2 Visitor visa - how US will know I did not overstay?

I am currently in US with B1/B2 Visitor visa. Plan to depart US through Mexico by car. And then depart Mexico for another South American country. All within 12

UK visa decision advice? [closed]

I have recently been refused visa entry clearance into the UK after applying for a 6 months visa based on failure to include criminality or st

Can I stay longer than my visa states? [closed]

I'm a South African citizen travelling to Poland. When I applied for my Schengen visa I stated that I would only be in the country for 21 days

US B2 Visa Depature Date - flight just after midnight, entry period ends the day before

I have a question that I am a foreign student in the US under F1 visa, my father arrived in Dec.8, 2014 under a B2 visa to attend my graduation ceremony and we

2 days overdue schengen visa

I have counted the days wrong... I have a flight the 26 from Frankfurt to Chile, when I should be leaving the Schengen area the 24th... Is it a big deal to be 2

What will happen if I overstay in South Africa?

I arrived in South Africa from Australia at the end of october, so I have 3 months in the country, but in december I left the country for a month and recently r

Will my overstay in South Africa be noticed?

I came into South Africa on a tourist visa but while travelling needed to get a new passport (it was stolen), which duly arrived all shiny and empty. Also, I ha

Overstayed Student Visa for 2 years in Canada, almost 8years ago [closed]

I overstayed my student visa in Canada for almost 2 years..that was almost 8 years ago I voluntarily left after my overstay and after moving b

Expired visa, can I still fly inside the US without risk?

I am a foreigner and my student visa expired last month. I do have an American driver's license valid until the end of next year. Can I still fly inside the US

Overstayed my US visa for over 9 years, never got deported, can I return as a tourist?

I have a particular situation here, In March of 1997 I travelled to the US as a tourist and lived there illegally for almost 9 years. I was never arrested, or h

Exiting landside at Heathrow when I don't have a landside transit visa

I am a Vietnamese traveller, without a landside transit visa, arriving at Heathrow with ongoing direct travel to the USA via Gatwick with a valid USA Visa. My t