Category "nexus"

Entry to the US with an expired Nexus

Is it possible to enter the US through the Nexus lane while my Nexus card is being renewed? And how?

Do NEXUS cards issued to permanent residents of Canada become invalid if you no longer live in Canada?

Let's say one is a permanent resident of Canada (and is not a North American national) and is therefore eligible for a NEXUS card. If they apply and receive a c

Nexus card interview questions, not living in Canada yet?

I got my Canadian PR 6 months ago but haven't moved there yet. I am living in US since last 8 years and this makes me eligible for Nexus card. I will be giving

Which permanent residents are exempted from the 3 year residency rule in NEXUS applications?

According to the CBSA website: In addition, certain permanent residents are also exempted from the three-year residency requirement. However I couldn't fi

Is a birth certificate enough for a Nexus child application?

With a Nexus application, is a birth certificate enough for identification or do they require a photo ID/passport?

Does a refusal in issuing a NEXUS card count as a visa refusal?

If a Canadian resident (who is not a citizen of Canada) applies for the NEXUS card and is subsequently refused for some reason, would that refusal count as a vi

TSA-PreCheck not showing on Delta boarding pass

I received TSA precheck via NEXUS (or at least I presume I did since it's included with NEXUS) over a month and a half ago, and added the KTN (Known Traveler Nu

Can I still get NEXUS if my US green card has expired?

Can I apply for NEXUS if my green card is expired but my case (through marriage) is pending and I have an extension that allows me to work and travel in/out the

Canadian with expired conditional USA green card but I-797c letter. Can I apply for NEXUS (I-751)?

I am trying to apply for NEXUS. I have Canadian citizenship with a conditional US green card (through marriage to my American husband). My card is expired but I

Global Entry vs Nexus Card [duplicate]

Consensus seems to be that, as a US citizen, for travel into the US from Canada, the two cards are virtually interchangeable. That also includ

TTP (Nexus) times for parents vs. kids

I recently registered my family for the Nexus program - me, my wife (registered herself), and our two kids (I registered both). This was back in late August. T

What should I do with an old NEXUS card?

I have a NEXUS card that is no longer up-to-date. Canada says they must be destroyed If you are issued a new card, your previous card must be destroyed as

Will NEXUS interviews still take place during the shutdown?

I've scheduled (some time ago) a trip to Niagara Falls the week after New Years, both as a vacation but also to have our NEXUS Interviews (for

Canadian re-entering Canada from U.S. with expired Passport but Nexus in good standing [closed]

At the airport, I discovered my passport had expired. I always enter the U.S. with Nexus. I was able to finally enter into the U.S. but was wa

Use Nexus on same day as interview?

If I attend and pass my Nexus interview at Blaine, WA, can I then cross the border into Canada using Nexus? I'm asking because if I'm driving 2-3 hours to the b

Traveling to Canada by car from Los Angeles

I live in Los Angeles, and my wife and I would like to travel to Vancouver on August 3 this year. We plan on being in the Seattle area a few days before this. W

Indian Citizen/Canadian Permanent Resident never gets TSA Pre despite Nexus card

I am an Indian citizen who resides in Canada as a Permanent Resident. I have a Nexus card. I was told by the officers during my interview that I would get Globa

Traveling to Canada by Car from U.S. without Passport and re-entering U.S. by car without passport? [duplicate]

I am looking to drive with a friend to Toronto this coming weekend for a basketball game. My U.S. passport is expired but I have a valid Driv

Nexus card expired and waiting for new one in the mail

I completed my interview June 10, 2019 for my Nexus and was approved. They said it will take between 3 - 4 weeks to receive my new card in the mail. I forgot

I just entered the USA without passport control at Atlanta airport

I'm a Canadian NEXUS holder, and I landed at Atlanta airport earlier this morning on a Delta flight. Exiting from the plane, the security (or an airport worker)