Category "munich"

Price Difference of Train from Aachen to Munich

I want to travel from Aachen to Munich on 24th Jan, 2018. I have checked price on Prices of train started from 36$ to 150$. and I also checked on DB

München to Thierhaupten

How can I go from München to Thierhaupten cheaply?I am a student and I am looking for a easy and safe way to travel. Would be so helpful if someone could o

Getting USD cash in Munich on UK cards

This question relates to foreign exchange from GBP (on suitable international UK debit card eg Monzo) to USD whilst being in Munich. I believe I can withdraw

Can I take a boxed bicycle on a German train?

I will be arriving in Munich airport with my bicycle in a box (approx 140cm x 60 cm x 20 cm), can this be taken on the train to the city? (specifically the S1 o

Do I need a visa for a layover in Germany if I have a type C Schengen visa for Spain? [duplicate]

So I'm gonna travel to Spain next Monday from Japan and I'm a Philippine passport holder but residence here in Japan. I got my type C schengen

Is a 6 hour layover at Munich enough to travel to Connollystraße 21 & be back?

Travelling from Delhi to NY via Munich where I have a layover of 6 hours. How long does it take to exit airport to Munich city considering that immigration woul

Ticket Booking in Nightjet

I have booked a ticket from Munich to Venice on nightjet for two adults. While booking on Nightjet's website, they asked only for name of one passenger. Since I

Is there an 1-hour guide at the Deutsches Museum?

In British Museum, you can get a map (the one with the magnificent Parthenon marbles on the cover) that list the must-see exhibits of the museum in an hour. Is

What to do in Munich on Christmas Eve? [closed]

We (me, my wife and our 4-years-old daughter) are now in Munich and are now thinking what to do tomorrow (Dec 24) evening. We don't (or at lea

2 separate tickets traveling from USA through Munich to Larnaca

I have 2 separate tickets. flying from Chicago to Munich on United, 2 1/2 hour layover and then flying to Larnaca, Cyprus on Lufthansa. Can I check my bags a

Are different offices of same car rental chain (Sixt) in Germany really different?

I have arranged to rent a car from Sixt in Munich, Germany. It was two months ago and i don't remember if the car rental near the Central Station (Haubtbahnhof)

Will Immigration be done at first point in Schengen or at end destination?

If a flight is taken from India to Amsterdam where there is a layover and then to Munich, is the immigration done at Amsterdam or at Munich? Since most Schengen

Munich to Salzburg Round Trip - Blue Card

I reside in Munich holding a Blue Card visa and would like to travel to Salzburg Austria for a long weekend (14th May). I am confused as to: the legality (can I

Is the pre-flight COVID test really strict on time?

Flying out of Porto Saturday at 11am to YUL via Munich on Lufthansa The email I received says the antigen test: Negative antigen test taken within 1 day before