Category "minors"

Travel restrictions for US teen living in London, wishing to travel the UK and Europe alone

In July I'm going for my second summer in London living/working with family friends. At the time of my travel I will be 15 (nearly 16), I'm highly independent a

Which airline offer flying for unaccompanied children (below 12 years)?

If you search for cheap flights with some flights search engines the problem is that you cannot send children alone. Is there a list of airlines accepting unac

What do I need to enter Germany as an unaccompanied minor?

I'm 16 and I'll be going to Germany alone from the U.S., but I do not know what I need to enter besides my passport. Because I am underage, do I need any other

Traveling to Costa Rica with my girlfriend (16&17) without an adult, parental consent forms?

What do we need to make it through the airport (departing from USA) and Customs ... parental consent forms? We are planning to go for a month, to visit friends

First trip for minor: dealing with transits

In a few days time, I'll be departing from Mauritius and taking an Emirates flight from here to Dubai, where I'll be in transit for 3 hours before taking a conn

Traveling within the EU as a minor

If you are an EU citizen and if you are under 18 for example if you are living somewhere close to the border to another EU country can you enter the other count

Visiting the US after overstaying as a minor 13 years ago?

I can't seem to find a story related to mine so here it is. I am 25 and a German citizen. In 1998 when I was 7 years old my family moved to the states and we s

I am 17 looking to travel within florida, what kind of places can I stay as an unaccompanied minor? [closed]

Any places I could stay safely, bed and breakfasts, inns, in daytona beach.

Minor drinking in Canada

My daughter just turned 19 today. She and her boyfriend went to Canada, where the legal drinking age in some provinces is 19. She just asked me "Could I get in

What is needed for a minor to cross the US/Canada border via bus

I'm going to be traveling from the U.S. to Canada by myself (age 16) without any adults. I'm planning on taking a bus, and I was wondering what all I'll need. I

Air Travel within the US

I'm 17 years old and I live in Southern CA and I was wondering if I could travel by plane to Washington state even though I don't have a visa. If so, what form

Failed driving test; alternatives to driver's license for minor's re-entry to the US?

My 16 year-old from the U.S. wishes to visit me in Canada for the holidays. She planned to obtain an enhanced driver's license, but she failed her test. Can she

Under 18 year old overstay in the US returned back to Europe, am I still able to re enter the US? [duplicate]

My question is am I eligible to re enter the US? In more detail, I have overstayed my US visa for a couple of month in which my mother has rec

What should be the visa type for an under 18 going to a conference in the UK?

I am 17 years old and I have an invitation from a university regarding a conference. Usually, for a conference, a business visa is appropriate but when I clicke

Getting a US minor passport when you can't find one parent

My sister wants to get a passport for my nephew but she does not know where his father is. They split right after the baby was born and the father was never see

How can I get my son's passport renewed within 24 hours?

I booked my flight tickets to Cancun and found that my son's passport has been expired. I am in a big trouble and need your advice what to do now? Is there any

Can a child enter the UK on an accompanied visa and then leave the country alone?

My daughter who is just under 18 has a child accompanied visa to the UK. I am traveling with her to the UK for a few days. We return from UK on the same day exc

Crossing French-UK border under 18 alone

This august I am planning to travel around Europe and want to cross the French-UK border. I am under 18 and won't be with my parents or legal guardian, so what

Leaving the US with birth certificate

I have a daughter five months old has no US passport can she go to Canada with her birth certificate?

I am a minor with a UK Accompanied visa. Will I be allowed to travel without my parent, who is already in the UK?

I am supposed to be traveling to the UK tomorrow, but my visa is an accompanied visa by my mom. My mom is already in the UK (she had to leave early). Will I be