Category "locate-this"

In Bacau, Romania, what is the current name of the street that used to be called "Filimon Sirbu"?

My mother immigrated from Romania 55 years ago. Now she wants to travel back for sight-seeing, but all the names have been changed. The name of the street she g

Is the Sea of Stars real?

I fairly frequently see pictures online of this semi-mythical glittering beach in the Maldives. However I can't find any accounts of people having actually visi

Where exactly is the Myanmar consulate in Kunming, China?

Yesterday I thought I'd wander down to the Myanmar consulate here in Kunming to ask them for more details about getting a visa and visiting by crossing the land

Where is this castle? I know it's somewhere in Ireland, but where?

Irish castle. I can find the picture everywhere but it never says where it's from.

Are there examples of Googie architecture outside the U.S.?

Falling in perhaps both the genres of "futurist" and "kitsch", Googie architecture is a classification for buildings which take on certain exaggerated, stylized

Where exactly is the night market in Jinghong, Xishuangbanna (China)?

WikiTravel and WikiVoyage both mention that there's a night market with lots of street food here in Jinghong, the capital of the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Pr

Coordinates of the Matsushima castle (松島城)?

Google Maps and Wikimapia don't know about 松島城 (Matsushima castle). I would start to doubt its existence if it were not for the numerous p

How far can I be from Britain and be in "British X"?

This is a just for fun question. I'm studying in British Columbia, Canada, which is quite far away from Great Britain proper: 4,190 miles (6743 km) to be exac

How to reach this old hotel stuck in the middle of Narita airport runways?

木の根ペンション (Kinone pension) is a very special hotel, right in the middle of Narita Airport: It seems to

Where is the Valparaiso bus station?

I'm traveling to Santiago via bus from Valparaiso, and need to get to the main bus station. Where is it? There seems to be a lot of conflicting information out

Looking for a two-level bridge somewhere near Xanthi, Greece

A friend of mine told me he knew some stories about some bridge in Greece, supposedly near Xanthi, the bridge is on two levels, and both trains and cars pass th

What is the location of this performance?

In this youtube video, Estas de Tonne is playing on a street - from what I can gather, somewhere in Germany, some time in 2011-2012, although I may be mistaken.

Where is the background photo used by Office 365 taken?

If you login to Office 365 on, you see following picture. Does anyone know where it was taken. I could not find it with Goog

Is there any kind of monument or marker for the Tropic of Cancer along the coast on the east side of Taiwan?

On my way down the west coast of Taiwan some weeks ago I passed a large monument marking the Tropic of Cancer. The site itself was a bit cheesy but just having

Driving through Croatia: can someone tell me where I took this photo?

While driving through Croatia I stopped on the highway to take a photo of a view I liked and I thought "I want to find it later in GMaps". As I had the GPS off

Where was this picture of Squamish, BC captured?

Can I access, by private car, the location where the photo below was captured?

Where in Norway are these massive boulders?

About ten years ago, while traveling in Norway, I took this picture. What you see is basically the result of an old landslide, with boulders so big, that trees

Which place was this video shot in?

I don't think we have a Google Video Search and I am very curious about this: Which city is depicted in this video? Someone said Gran Canaria, others said C

What is the Cambodian bar Anthony Bourdain mentions where you can shoot a gun?

In this podcast Anthony Bourdain talks about a bar in Cambodia where you can drink and shoot a firearm: There’s a bar in Cambodia that’s really

Where is this geyser?

A book I bought for my son on volcanoes has a page on geysers. The geyser in the image below is listed as being Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park. I h