Category "languages"

Which countries suffix their currency and how much is this stuck to? [closed]

In most countries I can think of including my own, prices are usually done with the currency symbol first, then the price like "£12.34"

One-off Maori lesson in Auckland

I'd like to attend a one-off Maori lesson in Auckland. I can find long-term courses and online courses, but I'm after something that's only for an hour or a cou

Casual Khmer language classes or language exchange in Siem Reap?

As always on my travels I like to study the local language, as usual I don't have a budget that allows the prices of "proper" courses or individual tutors. So

Do Estonians prefer English to Finnish?

When interacting with foreigners who are not able to speak Estonian, do the Estonians prefer Finnish to English? Does it depend on the area, e.g. is an Estonian

Images of Chinese logograms (characters) for traveler

Planing trip to China in some remote areas. I think it would be useful to have some pictures in my phone with most useful words like "eat","bus","hotel" in Chin

Which language(s) is most useful for backpacking Africa?

I'm looking to backpack Africa in a few years, so I'd like to start learning a language that would the most useful/widely spoken. There are a few conditions I'

Which Norwegian language to learn?

I'm taking a short trip to Norway next year and while doing a bit of research I've been thoroughly confused by which language to learn. Wikipedia goes into grea

If I want to travel to Brazil, can I get by with English?

I do not speak Portuguese, and only enough Spanish not to starve. English is my second language, but my first, Dutch, will not be very useful. Will people in Br

Are there any travel experiences in Australia that offer aboriginal (or Torres Strait) “cultural immersion”?

I am wondering if it's possible for a traveller in Australia to immerse in aboriginal culture, or Torres Strait Islander culture. By "immerse" I mean stay in a

Most useful languages other than English in Asia and Oceania [closed]

Basically this question and this one but for Asia and Oceania. For most of my travel, I've decided upon the destination, and then decided whe

In what language should I address foreign customs and immigration?

I'm an American traveling to Central America for the first time this summer. I'll be entering Costa Rica and Panama. My Spanish is pretty good, but not native

Is there a neighbourhood known for second-hand bookshops/antiquaries in Prague?

I'll be in Prague soon for a couple of days and I want to go dictionary-hunting. Is there a neighbourhood known for second-hand bookshops/antiquaries in Prague?

How much Spanish do I need to know for travelling within Spain?

I plan on travelling by foot on the Camino Francés alone. I will have access to the internet/google translate via my smartphone. I am also a native fren

Acceptable terms for describing black people in California

Today, our team was bought a drink or two by our company, so I was talking with an Afroamerican colleague and was trying to describe him that I had seen San Fra

Is speaking Portuguese useful in Macau today?

Macau sets Portuguese as one of its official languages, but according to the Wikipedia page, only 0.6% speak it at home. However, people speaking it at home sh

What is the main spoken language in Kiev: Ukrainian or Russian?

I'm aware that there are both native Ukrainian and Russian speakers among Ukrainians, with the west being more Ukrainian-speaking and the east/south more Russia

The literacy rate of Mandarin/Simplified Chinese in Taipei?

When I'm in China and having trouble communicating in English, I type in a sentence in Mandarin on my iPhone. I'm good enough to write one or two sentences in M

Am I better off using French in Brussels, or should I stick to English?

I'm a native English speaker, with tolerable French (ie, it's pretty good for an Englishman, though not great by continental European standards). I've tried to

Homestay in Sweden to learn Swedish

I'm Dutch but in love with the Swedish language, so after some time on Duolingo I wanted to expand my knowledge of Swedish in real life. I found an organization

Which is better for Zürich, English or French?

I am visiting Zürich and I don't speak any German. I do speak though both English and French. Which one should I use to communicate with the locals? How ab