Category "japan-rail"

How to purchase Japan train tickets online and also Japan scenic itinerary?

I will be travelling to Japan next month for 10 days and I need to ask 2 questions here: 1 Is there any official Japanese website to buy train ticket online?

Stop Over for JR ticket holder [duplicate]

I am traveling from Sapporo to Hakodate and will make a stop over at Okumakoen station. I understand that I can make stop over with the same t

Can I use a JR Hokkaido Round Trip Discount Ticket (Sapporo-Hakodate, return) with a stopover? [closed]

Sapporo-Onumakoen (stop over) - Hakodate and return trip: Hakodate-Noboribetsu (over night) - Sapporo. Total length of stay for this rout

Why isn't the direct route between Nagoya to Osaka covered by the Takayama-Hokuriku Area Tourist Pass?

It's possible to go from Nagoya to Osaka using the Takayama-Hokuriku Area Tourist Pass, but only by going via Kanazawa, rather than directly. As someone unfamil

How do I get from Tokyo to the Fuji Shibazakura Festival?

I'm trying to figure out how to get from Tokyo to the Fuji Shibazakura Festival. As best I can tell from Google Maps I will need to take the Oedo line from Toky

Where does the Tokaido Shinkansen stop in Tokyo?

I'm planning on taking the Nozomi category of the Tokaido shinkansen from Osaka to Tokyo. I'm trying to figure out where exactly in Tokyo it stops. As best I ca

What does my Shinkansen ticket say?

Here is a Shinkansen ticket: I understand most of it, but the line below the "to" and "from" feels contradictory to me. It says that 7月23日&

Is the Koboro rail station really inaccessible by land?

Koboro Station, in rural Hokkaido, is a famously remote train station. According to Hokkaido Likers, Koboro train station on the Muoran Line "cannot be reached

How to reserve a seat with Japan Railways (JR)?

Especially for all-reserved trains, but also for others, one sometimes needs or wants to reserve a seat on a JR train, even with a rail pass. When and how can o

I have a ticket for a conventional railway line. Can I take the Shinkansen instead (or vice versa)?

I have a ticket that specifies a conventional line/local line (zairaisen 在来線) as part of my route. Can I use the Shinkansen for that segmen

Traveling with dogs in Japan

I am debating taking a job in Japan. I have a ~11kg dog, and want to get a sense of how hard it would be to travel with her. For example, would she be allowed

How difficult is it to travel with a yumi (longbow) in Japan?

I'm planning a trip to Japan end of next march. I want to take my yumi (Japanese longbow, around 2.3 meters long) with me, as I have some contacts I'd like to t

Is the Takayama line between Toyama and Takayama still closed?

We're aiming to travel from Tokyo to Takayama on the 4th of October. Hyperdia gives one of the suggested routes as (see image): Tokyo - Tayama (SHINKANSEN KAG

Are there differences between Japan Rail pass vendors?

The Japan Rail pass provides visitors with an easy way to travel by rail. This answer claims that the official website for information about it is japanrailpa

Travel to Takasaki from Tokyo [closed]

Can anyone tell me if I can avail any pass for return travel between Tokyo and Takasaki on the same day? I’m looking for the cheapest tr

Can't stopover at Sapporo when going from Asahikawa to Chitose airport?

Yesterday I travelled from Asahikawa to Chitose airport (in Hokkaido, Japan), as on this Hyperdia screenshot (except I planned to take a later Airport service a

Cassiopeia Sleeper Train Japan - Tours?

The Cassiopeia sleeper train between Ueno and Sapporo was discontinued a while ago and we didn't get around to use it while it was still running. However, the

Can dual citizen children purchase JR Passes?

I took a look at the JR Pass website, but it's not very specific when it comes to dual citizens. My child has Canadian and Japanese citizenship and both passpor

Do I have to reboard at the same station after a Japan Rail stopover?

With some exceptions, Japan Rail base fare tickets allow stopovers. There is an excellent answer that explains when a ticket is eligible for stopovers, but it i

Do I need to disembark when crossing a Japan Rail pass zone boundary?

Say I have a JR West Kansai–Hiroshima Area Pass, which covers travel between Kurashiki and Sōja, and I take the train from Kurashiki to Izumo(shi), w