I am interested in visiting Svalbard, but I do not know where to start. I know I can maybe book a travel pack or something similar to go there
What is the best way to get to Jersey from Amsterdam
On a clear day is it possible to see the Isles of Scilly from Cornwall with the aid of binoculars? A distance of around 40km. I know on a very clear day you c
I would like to visit this location around latitude 14.346756 & longitude -80.223648. However, there is a black patch on the ocean floor i
They seem to be living there and the island is not big. However I have also read, that the colonies are secret. Is it probable to randomly see a seal there? Or
I am looking for ways to get to visit Cies Islands in Galicia, Spain. I Googled and found one boat operator. I am wondering if there are other options like sma
I wonder if there is any way to travel to an island (in my case: Ireland) without taking a plane or a boat. My sister claims to be frightened
Recently, I stumbled accross this little island called "Neuwerk" situated northwest from the city of Cuxhaven. It has a firehouse I'd like to see (and visit). N
I would like to travel to an island where one can find squirrels. What are some of the possible locations for me to travel to? Requirements:
I plan to travel to Bataan, Philippines sometime this year. I know that there are ferry services from Manila to Corregidor but I prefer one that departs from so
I am interested in visiting some Pacific Islands, even though at the moment I have no specific plan about which to visit. I would like to have a look at how to
The United States Minor Outlying Islands (USMOI) are nine islands or groups thereof, eight of which are remote outposts in the Pacific Ocean with no permanent r
A few years back, Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai was created from a volcanic explosion: It has since solidified, and life is beginning to pop up all around the isl
https://www.google.com/maps/@8.8654585,112.8304113,977m/data=!3m1!1e3 There are a number of islands in the South China Sea that don't have names on Google Maps.
I would like to get to this island, marked by a red marker (on Google Maps): The obvious route would be to swim across the strait marked by the green stripe. D
I read on https://www.passagedugois.com/crbst_3.html (mirror): Coaches [are only allowed] one-way Beauvoir to NOIRMOUTIER. Why are coaches only allowed one wa
I wonder whether there exists a convenient way to view the shortest distance between two islands. For example, can some of the commonly used o
The Aleutian Islands are famous for being remote islands. But they are also famous for something else: holding the northeasternmost territorie