Category "health"

Tattoos while Traveling Overseas

I'm traveling from the USA to England and France this summer and thought it would be a novel idea to get small tattoos from each country as souvenirs. Are there

Rwanda: Yellow fever vaccination required?

The US Department of State says yes, but as far as the Rwandan government is concerned, the US Department of State is a secondary source. Oddly, they say Yell

Is it necessary to take Malaria medication in Laos? [duplicate]

I'm headed to Laos and Cambodia and I'm worried about the side effects of the Malarone anti-malaria medication. Is it necessary to take this?

Vaccinations before visiting South America?

I am thinking about traveling to South America this Autumn. I don't know which countries I will visit but I know it will be several of them and I will stay the

What makes the tap water on board airplanes unsafe to drink?

Every single airplane toilet I've ever been to had the following (or similar) sign: Why is drinking the tap water prohibited? And if drinking the water is pr

I have 4 days before I leave to got to Peru. Typhoid Shot or Pills? [closed]

I had no idea until recently that it is recommended that I have the Typhoid Vaccine. I have a had trouble finding it, but now that I have, I o

Do disposable contact lenses need to be declared as "liquids"?

I recently swapped over from glasses to using disposable contact lenses. I'm already planning on carrying "travel-size" contact lens solution bottles to stay un

Which "travel vaccinations" are available for free with the NHS in the UK?

NHS GP surgeries and clinics provide vaccinations for travel for free, but for only certain kinds of diseases. Is there a comprehensive list of which "travel v

Measures to avoid locations with bad air quality and inversion for asthmatics?

Bergen, Norway, is an example of a city surrounded by mountains where the air quality can get very bad, terrible for asthmatics. This phenomenon is called inver

Where can I get a typhoid vaccination in Zagreb?

I'm an American tourist in Zagreb. My country's government health organization recommends I get a typhoid vaccination before traveling to the next country I'll

Do I need to confirm my medical appointment? [closed]

I am traveling in the US. I scheduled an appointment with some physician (no worries, I got a medical insurance). I know that sometimes patien

Traveling to Japan from the USA avoiding air travel? [duplicate]

This may be a bit of an odd question, but is it possible to make it to Japan without using an airplane. I have an inner ear disease and the la

Health vaccinations for UK

I'm travelling from South Africa to the UK. Just asking if I need any shots? Any vaccinations? I'm travelling for 8 days. I leave in a week. Nothing was said

Would I be allowed to get on a plane from the UK and fly to America with tea?

Today I was doing some research on food and drinks and realised that tea is not a very big thing in The U.S. and that all the "good" brands of tea are extremely

How to convince airport security that I am not dangerous when having metallic parts in my body?

I had an operation some time ago and now I have small screws in my shoulder which will not be removed anymore. When I decided to fly for vacation, I supposed th

Travelling to Latin America to take hallucinogenic drugs: how does one do it safely?

Prompted by this... Thousands of international backpackers are flocking to the Peruvian Amazon rainforest to drink ayahuasca tea, a plant mixture made by

Do Medical Devices Count as Carry-On or Personal Item?

When travelling with a necessary medical device such as a CPAP machine, do airlines count it as one piece of carry on or a personal item? While one of those mig

Request a letter verifying international health coverage and benefits from BlueShield BlueCross for Schengen Visa

Per Schengen visa requirements (article 15) any traveler must have a medical insurance with 30000 EUR coverage. The permanent resident in the US has BlueShield/

Emergency health care in England for a non-resident

I have dual GB/Canadian nationality, left UK for Canada 13 years ago. I get a state pension from the UK. Am I eligible for emergency health care in the UK if I

Is it safe for a pregnant lady to go to Hokkaido in 2016?

Fukushima incident causes a lot of fears among people, as to whether it's safe for tourists to go to Japan or not. While I understand that the radiation is not