Category "extreme-tourism"

Where do they speak Dutch?

I would like to be able to state that I have travelled to all countries where there is a native community that understand and speaks Dutch. So far I have been i

What is the longest distance by car ferry?

I just noticed that there is a ferry from mainland spain to Tenerife. I already knew of the ferry to Iceland. My question is if there are ferries that travel l

Are there organized multiday cave trips in Europe?

Recently i went for a short (1 hour) walk through the caves of Cocaliere in the ardeche in France. During the very touristic trip, although still quite interest

Are there countries aside from the US where I can go on storm chasing (tornado) tours?

I've been fascinated with tornadoes for a long time, and I've always wanted to go on a storm chasing tour (e.g., However, I didn

What on earth has yet to be explored?

To be clear, yes, we can see everything from Google Earth or other satellite imagery, but that doesn't mean we can explore it. GE can't see into forests, canyo

Is it possible to travel the route Kamchatka-Kurils-Hokkaido alone at the end of Sept-Oct?

I would like to travel, alone, Kamchatka-Kurils-Hokkaido at the end of Sept-Oct. I speak Russian and have done quite some extreme travels before. Most of the si

Can I spend some time in a real prison as a tourist attraction?

I know there are hotels built in buildings that used to be a prison. Is it possible to do some jail time as a tourist, somewhere? That is without doing the crim

Is it possible to go Robinson Crusoe in the Bahamas?

Given that the Bahamas consists of about 700 islands is it possible to go Robinson Crusoe on one of them? I mean staying on one of the uninhabited ones away fr

How far can you realistically travel across potentially rough water in an inflatable dinghy?

I'm thinking of visiting some uninhabited Scottish islands just for some "wilderness hiking". Particularly attractive to me are those islands which don't have r

Is it feasible to buy a small boat in Leticia, Colombia and travel down the Amazon? [closed]

Boating the length of the Amazon is a big dream but it just occurred to me that it might not be that difficult. There is a public passenger bo

Are there tours to the UTA Flight 772 Memorial in Niger?

The UTA Flight 772 Memorial is in one of the most remote parts of the world, in the Tenere Desert, and very much off the beaten track. Are there any tours to th

Where in Russia can I pay to shoot an AK-47?

I'm planning a trip to Russia in October (primarily Moscow and St Petersburg) and recently I read this question and liked the idea of being able to use military

How can I find safety records for extreme sports in New Zealand?

All companies providing those services claim they are very safe and they do everything in their power for this, but some quick research shows that it's not 100%

Tour to Fukushima closed area?

There are several travel agent in Ukraine which organise Chernobyl tour and visited the Closed Area. Is there any travel agents in Japan organising similar tri

Cyprus to Gaza by sea in an inflatable craft [closed]

Because of the political situation in my home land °Palestine Gaza°, now 2 million people are trapped in 360 km square called °Gaz

Can you still do train surfing in India?

There are many pictures online of train surfing - where you ride on top of the train, and it hasn't always been illegal in some countries (you'd certainly get a

How can I find a guide who will take me safely through the Amazon jungle?

This was one of our definition questions, but also one that interests me personally: How can I find a guide that will take me safely through the Amazon jungle?

Hiking across Iceland

I have ~18 days to hike across Iceland during August. I'm a good hiker (last summer I spent 40 days across the Alps) and I'll be alone. I'm looking for advices

Where to hide your money in high-risk areas?

I am dangerously curious to explore places with a lot of criminality. If I were to get robbed on my expeditions, I would lose everything I am carrying, so what

When travelling through Dagestan by car, how far can risks of crime, harassment or political/cultural trouble be managed?

Is it currently safe to travel with a car through Dagestan? The car has a Russian license plate and both of us travellers (one guy, one girl) look European (wi