Category "emergencies"

Can a US minor travel by air from the USA to Mexico without a passport?

The minor has a US passport but it has expired. She's travelling from the USA to Mexico because there's an emergency. She just renewed the passport last friday

If you're evacuated on a flight paid for by your government (eg civil unrest, volcanic ash delays), are you ever entitled to the frequent flyer miles?

This came about after a Facebook discussion over this article: Abbott government cracks down on bizarre requests for help from Australian travellers: Question

Flight diversion + visa issues

What happens if a flight gets diverted to an airport where I don't have rights to enter the country?

What's the emergency number (the 911 equivalent) in Israel?

I'm planning on traveling to Israel at some point or another, and I don't know the emergency services number. What is the Israeli equivalent of the American 91

Travelling from the UK to Spain, have lost passport, any ideas?

Travelling from the UK to Spain, have lost passport, any ideas?

Who is responsible for flight delays caused by emergencies?

My mother-in-law is flying today from Tbilisi to London on Turkish Airlines with a transfer in Istanbul. This morning, there was an emergency in Istanbul airpo

Must I register if I am not required to have a visa for entering Russia?

I am an Argentinean citizen who arrived in Russia three weeks ago. At Moscow my passport was stamped and I was given a migratory card: I have read that tou

Long term travel and first aid knowledge [closed]

I started a year-ish long term travel adventure and I have been very quickly reminded how edgy situations can get when in a under developed co

How to make an international emergency call?

I don't want to know the emergency number in case I'm IN a different country. What I want to know is, if I am, say, in France, and I know someone in Sweden need

What happens if you need to be sent to a hospital in a country you don't have a visa for, e.g. on a cruise ship?

So I presume there's a requirement that you have a visa for each country you visit on a cruise ship, although I've never done one. However, if you're passing a

In what countries does 911 work as an emergency number? [duplicate]

911 is the North American standard. I was thinking in case something happens and one were to panic that it'd be good to know if dialling 911,

How do emergency cash services work?

If you need emergency cash, do they send you some sort of code and you get the money from the ATM without any card? Or, do you have to show your ID at a local p

How to buy airline ticket on short notice without bank card?

Recently a situation came up where someone who didn't have any bank cards needed to buy an airline ticket on short notice (same day or next day). While fortunat

Urgent help needed with stolen visa

I'm having a vacation in Paris with my girlfriend. She is a Russian exchange student but studying/living until September in Germany. Unfortunately, her bag inc

Emergency UK visa for an Australian to visit a critically ill parent

My wife has just been informed that her mother is in critical condition while on a tour of England. She has been diagnosed with a brain tumour and looks like sh

Why don't airlines have backup planes just in case of an emergency?

My flight was delayed and then canceled because there were problems with the plane. Why don't airlines have backup planes just in case there'

Landing in an airport other than destination due to bad weather

During my flight from Warsaw to Yerevan, the aircraft had to land in Tbilisi because of bad weather conditions in Yerevan. When we landed the captain declared t

Does the European number for emergencies (112) really work in Germany?

One night of some months ago I realized there were some burglars in the apartment below mine. As an Italian living in Germany, I didn't know the number to call

How do I call emergency services for someone in Ireland when I am in the US?

I know this question sounds ridiculous but it's important and I need to know the answer. If I knew that somebody in Ireland was in trouble and needed help (say

What are my chances of being granted an emergency travel document to the UK?

I'm a British national, born in Britain. I have two passports: British and Ghanaian. I am planning to travel to go to a relative's funeral and start a course in