Category "dual-nationality"

Two passports, two different names, booked a flight

I have a Colombian passport and I booked a roundtrip to Spain a while ago. This week I became an US citizen and changed my name. So my question is, will I have

Expired US Passport / Dual Citizenship Traveling

So my US passport expired a few weeks back and I expedited the renewal process, however, I'm not sure it will arrive in time for me to fly out the Mexico in a c

Dual/Dutch American Citizen visiting Netherlands [closed]

My wife and I live in the United States, I'm a dual American/Dutch citizen who has never lived in the Netherlands, my wife is American. We pla

Emergency flight to Madrid in 3 days & US Passport just expired

I am a US Citizen, and I need to travel to Spain in a few days but my passport is recently expired. I have dual citizenship to Ireland and hold a valid Irish pa

Can I get back into the US with an expired US passport and a valid UK passport? [duplicate]

Good evening I booked a trip and realized my US passport is expired. I have a passport from another country (UK) and wanted to know could i us

Can a dual citizen with expired US passport leave the country with the foreign passport and request an emergency replacement to come back home?

We have a travel to Europe in 2 weeks and my friend just realized her US passport was expired since 2019. She's also a Brazilian citizen with a valid Brazilian

Dual citizen travelling abroad with a foreign passport before receiving the US Passport

So I'm in the process of getting my US passport but I also have my foreign passport that I traveled with this April. I used my Green Card to travel with it but

Dual citizen, traveling between citizenship countries, airlines and APIS?

This has been somewhat discussed in a couple of other threads, but I didn't see exactly how airlines and countries are handling APIS information in the case of

Travel soon after UK naturalisation

I am an EU citizen with settled status in the UK, and just yesterday I got notified that my application for naturalisation as a british citizen has been approve

Dual Passports, Different names-Singapore

Due to covid restrictions, I had to book my tickets this way. I am flying from the US to Singapore on my US passport with my married name. I am staying in Sin

Can a valid US visa be transferred to a different passport?

I have a valid US visa on my Indian passport. I changed my nationality to HKSAR. Can my US visa be transferred to my HKSAR passport?

Chinese/Spanish dual national entering Schengen area

I got a question after I got my Spanish citizenship. I have a Spanish passport now,I still have the permanent resident card from Spain. Also I am Chinese

leaving Poland on Canadian passport

I was born in Poland. I lived in Canada for around 30 years and am a citizen of both. I went back to Poland for the first time 3 years ago. I entered on my Can

Entered EU on EU passport, marked as leaving EU when entering Gibraltar on Canadian passport. Will this cause problems?

I have dual nationality, Canada-Poland (EU). Born and raised in Canada, but parents are Polish. Normally reside in Canada. Background: back in November 2021, I

Traveling with 2 passports in case of Morocco

I'm a dual national with a Moroccan passport and basically I want to ask, in the specific case of Morocco, whether it was possible to enter and exit Morocco wit

Validity of Colombian cedula when it's in an older format

I currently hold a Colombian cedula that was issued in 2010. It has holograms but it is not the latest cedula format. I am a dual American/Colombian citizen. W

Do we need a visa to Germany

I’m travelling to Germany next week with my partner and daughter, when booking the flights I put my husbands nationality as Turkish not realising it shoul

Dual citizen traveling to US: one valid passport; US visa in other-country expired passport

I am traveling to the US. I have dual Citinzenship (Mexico/Venezuela) My Venezuelan passport is holding my valid US visa. My Venezuelan passport is expired. My

Dual Citizen - ESTA - Travel with stops in USA - Visited Iran

I'm in Brazil and I'm going to Australia. The best price is going with connections in the USA. I did the ESTA but I've answered that I had been in Iran in 2015

Entering Spain with Soon-expiring US passport and expired Irish passport

I know someone who is a US and Irish dual citizen, travelling from Ireland to Spain (by Ryanair), on a US passport because his Irish one is expired. His US pass