Category "culture"

What is this Season's Greetings sign for in March in India?

While being driven from Dehli to Agra on March 17, 2014, I saw a number of seasons greetings signs, as shown in the following picture: What holiday is this f

Why does Agra have cows on most roads and public areas whereas Delhi does not?

So I visited Agra the other day and there were cows everywhere. On the side of the road, on the road and in one case sleeping on the road. Meanwhile in Delhi, t

How to dry yourself after using the hand shower in the toilets?

Inspired by this question How to use toilet paper I want to ask "How to use toilet without toilet paper". During my travels through Asian countries, it was com

Do Russians smile at each other?

I'm planning to go to Russia. In my culture, smiling is really common even to strangers. I've heard that Russians don't smile or laugh unless it's something fun

Which city has the greatest religious diversity? [closed]

I really like to learn more about religions, and even though I'm learning some information from the internet, I would like to learn from real

Are there any cultures in which the "thumbs up" hand gesture is offensive?

In the USA it's common to give a thumbs up to say "Yes, this is good" or "Thanks" or convey another appropriate positive meaning. Are there cultures in which t

Where can I have a genuine Ainu cultural experience in Hokkaido?

During my next trip to Japan I may end up in Hokkaido. I've read something about this mysterious indigenous group called Ainu/Aynu/Aino/Ezo, but I must admit my

Are there cultures in which walking in the nude in public is not frowned upon?

Although some cultures are less prudent then others I have the impression that walking in the nude in public is frowned upon world wide. Is this a correct assum

Flashing headlights on Autobahn

What does it mean when the driver behind you on the Autobahn flashes his headlights?

Are carnival-style games still available in Taiwanese night markets?

In Show them the door: Taiwan's netizens ashamed of loutish tourists, there's mention of a Taiwanese night market game: The doors, with their paper panels p

Non-Japanese hot springs near Sydney

I can find a Japanese-style hot spring near Sydney. In the Blue Mountains, there's Japanese Bath House, which according to visitnsw is "the only Japanese onsen

What do tibetan door tassels symbolise?

So there are these tassels on doors in Tibet. I've googled for a good hour to find out what they symbolise or are used for, but nothing concrete materializes. S

How does one respectfully greet someone in Japan?

Every country has different cultural greetings. I was wondering if handshaking is ok in Japan? Or do they have their own cultural greeting. I'm not talking abou

Does a foreigner need to pay a fine for violating the seatbelt law? [closed]

This event all happened about 5 minutes at 3 PM in Washington. I got a violation ticket for seatbelt when I set in the back set of private ca

How do you know if Americans genuinely/literally mean what they say?

I have come across a few situations when an American will say something like "We should have lunch some time" or "Let's have lunch some time." Or "you should co

Where in Doha can I learn about Qatar's history and culture, while the National Museum is closed?

The website of the National Museum of Qatar seems to suggest that when it's re-opened, it'll be an amazing place to find out about the history and culture of Qa

A question about work life in Japan [closed]

I've recently been offered work in Japan. I love Japan for the food, people and techno-logical advancement. Besides the challenge of learning

Japanese style or themed accommodation in Melbourne

What Japanese-style or Japanese-themed accommodation is available in Melbourne? I tried doing a search for ryokans in Melbourne, and while I've found a number

Would a tattoo saying in Thai "Nothing is mine, not even myself" be considered offensive?

I grew up in SE Asia (Singapore) and am planning to go back for a few weeks this year with my husband. While doing some travel research, I found a photo of a qu

Is it generally true that Japanese people are more reluctant to help Asian compared to Western foreigners? [closed]

I had the feeling while travelling in Japan that Japanese people in general (apart from those working at shops or public transport or accommod