My route home at the end of my trip will have me on a 4-hour connection at Guangzhou airport in China. I've read online that it's an unpleasant airport but it
In my Chinese visa, against "Days after entry", I find this character: 天 Google translate says it means day, sky, heavens, God, etc. What exactly does i
In another of my questions here I asked if any of the convenience store chains in Taiwan offer free Wi-Fi. Well today I found out that 7-Eleven does. But the
I've travelled in both mainland China and Taiwan before, but this time in Taiwan I've noticed a lot more Chinese words and characters than I was aware of are us
When I'm in China and having trouble communicating in English, I type in a sentence in Mandarin on my iPhone. I'm good enough to write one or two sentences in M
I travel for China now but it is sometimes hard to get a taxi here (I'm in Chongqing) since the driver can deny the route he doesn't like. So I would rather try
I'm bilingual in English and Mandarin Chinese, and I'm planning to go backpacking around Asia (Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia,
This video: They are obviously Asian, and I seem to recognize some of the letters as being Chinese. Also, th
Ni Hao everyone I am searching for Mandarin learning books (or used books if possible) in Paris please. Thanks in advance ! 谢谢 B
Here in Australia we have the "Salvos" and "Vinnies" and many other "op shops" that sell old stuff people donated, and we have "Cash Converters" who buys your s