Category "airport-security"

Getting through airport security with irremovable piercings

A friend of mine is considering getting some extensive body modding done, including a set of piercings that won't be easily removed at airport security. He is v

Can I ask to watch a TSA officer put on gloves?

Just yesterday I had a pat down from a TSA Officer because they detected some sort of substance in my carry-on bag. As a result I needed to be patted down and i

Can I avoid a full body scan going through security with a Nexus card?

I know it is possible to request a pat-down instead of going through the TSA full body scan when going through regular security check. Is the security check th

US based flights bicycle question

Are rechargeable USB bicycle lights allowed on a flight within the United States? Also is a small round helmet mirror allowed on a flight? I will be flying Amer

How bad is the transit security queue at IST airport

I am quite worried about my transit timing at IST airport. I will be flying Doha-IST-Dubai on a single ticket but the connecting time at IST is only 1 hr 20 min

Can I wear a lapel pin through airport security?

I usually leave my lapel pin in my suit jacket, but if necessary I can pack it into my check-in luggage. For a domestic flight within the U.S., is this somethi

Security controls missed liquid in my luggage. Should I report it?

I recently took a flight from the Netherlands to Italy. On that flight I used as only luggage a backpack, which I normally use for daily shopping. On my arriva

Is it okay that I have a container a little over the limit? [duplicate]

I recently bought a "travel sized" version of a facial spray that I use so I could bring it on my holiday. But I just looked at the label and

Hands in pockets when going through metal detector causes problems?

Had a new one this week. Went through security in Sydney Domestic airport. No problems, I've done this many times. All my stuff in a tray, send it through the

Are keypad phones allowed in flights? [closed]

Actually I want to know whether keypad phones are allowed to carry in flights and how many phones are allowed in a flight. Which bag are they

What is the new interview procedure added for people flying to USA?

There is recent news that there is an interview process added for people coming to the USA from other countries. I am a student studying in the USA. I am goin

Traveling to Chile with new iPhone (still sealed in box) - Will I have problems?

I am traveling from the USA to Santiago, Chile next week bringing a new sealed iPhone 7 for my husband. I am wondering if it's possible for me to bring it as is

What are the shaving options for the carry-on traveler?

This question rustled some jimmies! Now that we have more information I'm rephrasing it to fit in better with the overall picture, which is shaving options for

What happens if a passenger passes through the boarding gate, but doesn't get on the aircraft?

At one time, I was bored because of a delayed flight and that question arose in my mind just for curiosity. I haven't observed any mechanism that checks or coun

What does "SSCI" on my boarding pass mean?

I recently flew on Singapore Airlines from Sydney to Singapore, and my boarding pass had SSCI printed on it. What does this mean? Is it in some way related to

Can you take a coffee on a plane if you purchased it before security?

I’m traveling to Paris from Edinburgh next week and confused whether I could get a frappuccino from Starbucks for the flight? I'm not sure if I could get

Can two new and one old mobile phones be taken to India? [duplicate]

I am an Indian residing in Italy. Am I allowed to take two new mobile phones purchased in Italy along with the one I use to India? Can someone

Will I be able to bring this bent hook in an airplane?

This hook used to be on a longline in commercial fishing. It had it bent to prevent the two points from getting stuck on anything in order to wear it around m

How do airports differentiate supplements from drugs?

I was just packing for an international flight, and realized that my little plastic bags of protein powder and creatine look an awful lot like the bags of cocai

Who to complain to about the speed of airport security at Frankfurt?

Usually I'm flying several times every month or two in Europe, and in the last few years I have seen that the situation at security check is worse and worse. O