Category "airport-security"

Ceramic knives and airport (or any other) security

I ran into this question that discussed putting a ceramic knife in the carry-on luggage. Clearly that won't work, as the carry-on luggage goes through the x-ra

Can I stay airside at Stansted after the security gates are closed?

I have an early flight from Stansted. I know that security gates close around midnight and reopen around 2.30am (or similary, I cannot remember exactly). Right

Who works at the International Gate Security check?

If I am going through security from Toronto to New York, are the security agents there Canadian or American? Are they working for Canada or the US? Do they need

Are ziploc bags banned in Rwanda for air travelers?

Rwanda has enacted a ban on plastic bags, as a web search for "Rwanda plastic bags" will show. Does this extend to 1-quart or 1-liter sealable freezer bags? If

Passing through airport security with autism

I am a young adult with autism (Asperger's to be precise). While there are many resources on how to travel with kids with autism, resources on how to do so if y

Physical appearance and clothing, do they affect the passenger's chances of getting on the plane?

Can my physical appearance affect the airport security officers decisions? How is that possible? I mean what would they put in their reports? that I was wearing

What should I do when my bags have been planted with bullets (or any malicious content)?

In NAIA, there have been a number of bullet-planting cases with the passengers going and leaving through NAIA (Manila International Airport, I have no idea why

Being traveller in terminal 2 can I go to terminal 1 or 3 for shopping in duty free shop?

I will travel in flydubai and will have around 8 hours layover time in hand at terminal 2. Can I go to terminal 1 or 3 to duty free shop? What about getting vis

TSA Security Check - Flammable vs. Non-Flammable Aerosol

I plan on flying domestically in the US tomorrow, and I was wondering if it is possible for the TSA to tell the difference between flammable and non-flammable a

DIY computer in hand luggage - what to expect on security checks?

I have a DIY computer which looks like a 7" tablet, only thicker. The case is plastic, and the whole device is about as thick as a laptop. There are no scary wi

Can I have a Geiger counter in my hand luggage?

A local flight with British Airways With all the ISIS threats I have the right to be paranoid and check my seat before sitting on a piece of Radium. "Geiger-

Can I carry 3 laptops from Mumbai to Bengaluru [closed]

For a particular work, I need to carry 3 laptops with me from Mumbai to Bangalore via flight. Will there be any problem in security check for

Is there a bag I can use to safely carry my passport and ID whilst travelling?

First of all sorry for these stupid questions, but normally my boyfriend took care of all these stuff, now I am traveling alone for the first time. When I go t

Can I take a wrapped gift of skin care products with me on the airplane?

It's wrapped and I am not sure about the sizes, all I know is that it's a collection of men grooming products. I dont even have the receipt. Would it be a prob

Am I allowed to take a graphics card in my carry-on luggage?

As I will be travelling to the US in July, I was thinking of buying two graphics cards (R9 390X) over there and bring them back to Switzerland, as computer comp

Can I fly with a Christmas turkey on a domestic flight within the UK?

Slaughtered, obviously and in a cool box.

What specific security checks does one have to do when departing YYZ as of December 2015?

I've got a friend who is a Canadian citizen who is going to be flying from Toronto Pearson to JFK in NY. After googling and only finding TSA American info I tho

Can I carry contact solution onto a plane that is more than the 3oz limit?

According to it says the following: You may carry liquids, gels and aerosols in your carry-on bags only if they adhere to the 3-1-1 rul

My sister's laptop was gone when she gate-checked her bag. What can she do?

My sister was visiting for the holidays and had to gate check her bag on the return trip. Once she got her bag back, her MacBook Air and charger were gone. What

Is it possible to avoid removing my shoes if doing so will interfere with a supportive ankle brace?

So I injured myself yesterday and sprained my ankle pretty badly. I can stand and walk on it, but it's difficult and painful; I have a supportive brace on my fo