Category "tap-water"

Is it safe to drink the tap water in Istanbul?

Is the water from the tap/faucet potable in Istanbul or must I buy bottled water? If not, what are the specific contaminants in it?

Is the tapwater safe to drink in Albania generally and Shkodër specifically?

So I've arrived in Shkodër, Albania. If there are other tourists here they're all hiding. I don't have a guidebook and wikitravel doesn't tell me. Can I d

Is it safe to drink tap water in Morocco?

Over the next week I'm travelling around in Morocco and I wonder whether buying bottled water is essential or tap water is safe enough to drink. According to th

Is it safe to drink tap water in Nicaragua?

When looking through travel guides and websites, I often see the statement that tap water is not safe in Nicaragua. For example, the US State Department says:

Is it safe to drink bubble tea in Hong Kong?

I love bubble tea and I've seen it many places for sale while walking through Hong Kong. I've read mixed reviews on the safety of Hong Kong's tap water supply,

What are safe uses of non-potable water?

While traveling, you come across many different levels of water safety. In some countries you can drink the tap water, and in others you should avoid it at all

Finding drinkable water while travelling

I tend to get dehydrated rather easily, a problem that is compounded when I travel to locations where the water is unsafe/unfamiliar for me. I often seem to fi

Drinking tap water in India

I ordered SteriPEN before I started my India trip but unfortunately it didn't arrive in time. I'm only drinking bottled water here but am interested whether tap

Truth about Georgian tap water

There seems to be some contradictory information on Georgian tap water around. I was in Georgia recently (May 2012) for nearly a week, and mostly stayed in Tbi

Is it safe to drink tap water in Seoul?

I've been hearing conflicting views. The government assures everyone that it's okay but the locals don't seem to trust the government, at least in this issue. D

Is tap water in Ireland and England drinkable?

I would like to ask if the tap water in hostels of Ireland and England is drinkable. I never saw someone drink from there, and even in the pubs you have to orde

How long is an acceptable shower in Spain? [closed]

I hear taking long showers in foreign countries is looked down upon, especially if you are living with someone temporarily. Is there a standa

Is the tapwater at Walt Disney World fluoridated?

I'll be taking my daughter in a few weeks and I'm having trouble figuring out who provides the drinking water and if they add fluoride to the tap water (water c

What are the risks drinking tap water in Laos?

Currently travelling in Laos, we are asking ourselves whether we should drink tap water or not? Could it potentially be dangerous or is it just a matter of a sh

Is it safe to drink tap water in New Zealand?

I'm living in a highly populated area (at least by NZ standards) in Auckland, but the question goes for the whole country.

Is pipe water drinkable in cities of Bergamo and Milan in northern Italy?

Do the cities of Milan and Bergamo have drinkable tap water, or is the practice to buy bottled water?

Is it safe to drink tap water in Darwin (Australia)?

Is tap water (from the kitchen sink of a holiday apartment) in Darwin, NT safe for human consumption ? I see algae (and fungus ?) on water fountains in public

Is it safe to drink water with a strong chlorine smell?

Are there any health issues with drinking heavily chlorinated water? During a recent trip to Australia (Queensland, NSW), virtually all tap water I found had a

Is the water clean in Manila?

It seems like a silly question for most of my travels, as I 'll be in a hotel, but I will travel a little bit.

Just what is unhealthy in the water in Mexico?

I've looked everywhere from guidebooks to the CDC website, but haven't been able to find out what is in the water in Mexico that makes it unhealthy to drink. I'