Which airlines offer indemnity forms? [closed]

Which airlines offer indemnity forms? [closed] - Crop businessman giving contract to woman to sign

I read on this answer by Anish Sheela:

Sign indemnity form saying that you accept personal responsibility to pay the fine imposed to the airline, in case you are denied.

Which airlines offer indemnity forms? Do all airlines have it, or just a few ones?

From this answer by Zach Lipton, at least Qatar Airways has it:

enter image description here

(image source)

Best Answer

Thai AirAsia has it (at least in 2006). Example from https://www.flickr.com/photos/zhaffsky/352652268:

enter image description here

Pictures about "Which airlines offer indemnity forms? [closed]"

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Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Andrea Piacquadio, Tim Douglas, Artem Beliaikin, Artem Beliaikin