Where is there security prior to boarding the Thalys?

Where is there security prior to boarding the Thalys? - Brown Padlock on Wall

In the aftermath of the 2015 attack on the Thalys, it was publicised that security was going to be introduced for the Thalys. Where is this? Does this affect all stations at which the Thalys calls?

Best Answer

As far as I can tell, security has only been introduced at the two primary stations it operates from in France: Paris Gare du Nord and Lille Europe; this doesn't seem to have any affect on the seasonal services to Marseille and Bourg-Saint-Maurice, unlike the Eurostar's seasonal services.

This SNCF press release covers the detail (in English!). In short, the security consists of barriered platforms with a ticket check and X-ray of luggage required to access the platforms. The platform is announced twenty minutes prior to departure to allow everyone time to pass through this, and this is the recommended time to arrive at the station.

Pictures about "Where is there security prior to boarding the Thalys?"

Where is there security prior to boarding the Thalys? - Brown and Gray Wooden Container
Where is there security prior to boarding the Thalys? - Grey Metal Plier on Round Disc
Where is there security prior to boarding the Thalys? - White Text on Black Background

How early do I need to arrive for Thalys?

For stress-free boarding, we recommend that you arrive in the station 20 minutes before the scheduled departure time of your train so that any security checks can be carried out calmly and efficiently.

Does Thalys train check passport?

The Netherlands, Belgium, France and United Kingdom reached an agreement on implementing passport controls on large international trains.

Where do you put your luggage on Thalys?

Once on board, you can store your luggage in the dedicated storage space located at the entrance of each car or above the seats. Your luggage remains under your full responsibility and must be labelled with your name and surname.

Do European trains have security?

Britain and the Eurostar In the rest of Europe, only Spain and Italy are known to have security checks for long-distance trains, or the occasional random inspection upon boarding. Lock systems have been rejected in order not to threaten the freedom of movement. Only more intense luggage checks are to be carried out.

Time Lapse - Boarding Thalys at Paris Nord

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Images: eyeball3000, David Bartus, Pixabay, Olya Kobruseva