Where is the Valparaiso bus station?

Where is the Valparaiso bus station? - Red stop button on yellow handrail in modern empty public bus during daytime

I'm traveling to Santiago via bus from Valparaiso, and need to get to the main bus station. Where is it?

There seems to be a lot of conflicting information out there; searching for valparaiso bus station or estacion de buses valparaiso yields the Vina del Mar bus station and a TripAdvisor forum result with the wrong address.

Pictures about "Where is the Valparaiso bus station?"

Where is the Valparaiso bus station? - Oimachi Sta. Signage
Where is the Valparaiso bus station? - Man Wearing Jacket and Jeans Walking on Road
Where is the Valparaiso bus station? - Selective Focus Photography of Person Holding Space Gray Iphone 6

Un peruano te enseña como viajar de Santiago a Valparaiso o Viña del Mar en bus

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Will Mu, David Dibert, Evelyn Chong, JÉSHOOTS