What public transport options exist between Calgary, Banff, and Jasper?

What public transport options exist between Calgary, Banff, and Jasper? - Distant African American man standing between pink and yellow residential buildings located near road with parked cars on street in town

I and some friends hope to town hop in Alberta in a couple of weeks, and are wondering about our options.

We are considering renting a car, but are also aware Greyhound services these towns. Are there any other options for getting between them - a shuttle perhaps, that we might be able to utilise?

Best Answer

There are apparently buses and trains. Though trains seem to operate only part of the way. Basically from Jasper to Edmonton. When it comes to Calgary I can only find buses (even on Via Rail)

From Jasper to Banff the same Rail Canada refers you to Red Arrow Bus Lines, which for whatever reasons doesn't allow you to book Jasper->Banff trip online.

Of course there is always Greyhound Canada, which offers service to Jasper on Greyhound Express via Edmonton from Calgary or direct to Banff.

Pictures about "What public transport options exist between Calgary, Banff, and Jasper?"

What public transport options exist between Calgary, Banff, and Jasper? - Person ordering fast food in drive thru
What public transport options exist between Calgary, Banff, and Jasper? - Man Reading Book in Public Transport
What public transport options exist between Calgary, Banff, and Jasper? - Young Man in Face Mask Talking on Phone in Bus

Is there a train between Banff and Jasper?

Unfortunately, there is no direct train that goes just between Banff and Jasper. However, there are many train options that include the Icefields Parkway in their itinerary but are part of a bigger multi-day route.

How do I get from Jasper to Calgary without a car?

If you don't have access to a vehicle, SunDog Tours operates a shuttle between Jasper and Edmonton, as well as Jasper and Calgary.

How do you get around Alberta without a car?

Calgary Transit: Calgary Transit is an efficient and inexpensive way to explore Calgary without a car. Bus routes and two C-Train lines make it easy to navigate almost anywhere in the city. The C-Train is free to ride between City Hall Station and Downtown West/Kerby Station in the downtown core.

How is the road from Calgary to Banff?

Banff is only 150 kilometers from Calgary, and the drive time is less than two hours by car on a divided highway. If you have your own vehicle, this is an easy trip, with no real mountain driving involved.

Banff \u0026 Jasper - A beginner's guide to Canadian Rockies

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Adi Perets, Erik Mclean, Gustavo Fring, Gustavo Fring