UK Motorway Slip Roads - Speed Limit

UK Motorway Slip Roads - Speed Limit - Free stock photo of asphalt, auto, automobile

My TomTom Sat Nav usefully prompts you with the speed limit for the road you are driving on, and although they have a disclaimer saying that the accuracy for being up-to-date cannot be guaranteed, I have noticed that all UK motorway and dual-carriageway slip roads and any interconnecting roads, whether they are single or dual-carriageways, are indicated to be 60mph.

I would have thought that the speed limit for slip roads and interconnecting dual-carriageways (e.g. road connecting M3 to M27) would be the same as the speed limit for the motorway, which in the case of cars, motorcycles, car-derived vans and dual-purpose vehicles, is 70mph (when not towing a trailer, other vehicle or caravan).

I have always believed that The Highway Code is the go to for the laws regarding driving within the UK, yet the page on Speed Limits does not answer the question.

What is the situation within the UK?

Best Answer

Short summary: There is not a universal speed limit on UK slip roads. While in general the national speed limit for motorway applies, if there is a speed limit sign stating otherwise you should follow that instead.

According to [Highway Code Rule 124](

Rule 124

You MUST NOT exceed the maximum speed limits for the road and for your vehicle (see the speed limits table).

This means in general, the motorway national speed limit applies on slip roads (given it under motorway restrictions, see @Weather Vane's answer). However if there is a speed sign installed that indicates otherwise, that would be the actual speed limit.

The actual speed limit on a motorway then could be:

  • The national speed limit, whether it be:

    • A new speed limit sign (e.g. The speed limit sign on a slip road from A720 on to M8 (J1), curiously it is showing 70mph instead of the national speed limit);
    • A sign saying it is a motorway, and hence motorway restrictions (see Highway code 253-273) apply, at the beginning at the slip road; or
    • A lack of sign when you join from a road already having a national speed limit (e.g. All 4 slip roads between the M3/M27 Junction, though advisory speed limit is sometimes in force according to Google Maps).*
  • The speed limit of the motorway you are joining (e.g. this slip road joining M32 in Bristol has a speed limit of 40mph, that on that particular stretch in M32.

Or, in fact:

A 40mph limit specified by the variable speed limit indicator in M4 J4B Westbound

Somewhere else in Birmingham, a 30mph limit is (was?) imposed temporary on a slip road on the Spaghetti Junction due to works (A38(M) Northbound J6, leading to M6 Eastbound, Image also from Google Maps):

A 30mph limit is imposed temporary on a slip road on the Spaghetti Junction due to works

Pictures about "UK Motorway Slip Roads - Speed Limit"

UK Motorway Slip Roads - Speed Limit - Asphalt Road Timelapse Photography
UK Motorway Slip Roads - Speed Limit - Green Leafed Trees
UK Motorway Slip Roads - Speed Limit - Blue Suv on Road

Do slip roads have speed limits?

Whilst the speed limit on a lot of slip roads changes to that of the dual carriageway / motorway at either the start of the slip road or a short way down it.

What speed is motorway slip?

This is often around 50-60 mph, but can be up to 70 mph (national speed limit), or slower if there is traffic or nearby roadworks. Make sure you indicate to show that you plan to to join the motorway. Leave enough room between you and the cars in front/behind.

What are the rules on a slip road?

You must give priority to the traffic already on the motorway, and you must never cross from the slip road and go directly into either the second or third lanes, stay in the first lane for a while until you've adjusted to the traffic, then you can make your planned move into the lanes to the right, should you need to.

Are slip roads part of the motorway?

Slip roads allow you to join a motorway or dual carriageway. Use the slip road to accelerate until your speed matches that of the traffic on the motorway.

Joining Dual Carriageways From A Slip Road | Learn to drive: Intermediate Skills

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Markus Spiske, Caio, Josh Sorenson, Megapixelstock