Difficult situation with entry to the UK

Difficult situation with entry to the UK - Cherry Blossom Tree Beside Black Bridge

Good afternoon, dear friends!

I have this situation:

My girlfriend and I are citizens of Uruguay, we do not need a visa to England. I came to the UK several times for the purpose of tourism and realized that England is very interesting to me and I would like to stay there legally, as a businessman, through special start-up, innovator or global talent visas. My girlfriend went to College in England, got a student visa and lives there permanently, we bought an apartment in London to avoid renting, as we find renting inconvenient.

I last stayed 7 months from the date of entry, I was able to stay in England for another month, as I was undergoing treatment and received exceptional insurance. I left on time as expected. Within 7 months I received a letter from endosment body and all I needed to get a start-up visa was the IELTS English exam. I decided to do this at the last minute. I went to France in a Eurostar, and a couple of days later I tried to go back to England to pass my English. But they didn't let me in at the border. They took me back to France.

Further, on the same day, I flew to Ireland (in most countries we do not need a visa). On arrival in Ireland, I had a long conversation with the immigration officer, after which he let me in for 7 days. On the morning of the same day, I flew from Dublin to London, I wanted to re-chat with the officer, I bought a return ticket, I wanted to show him that I was coming to pass English and leave for my country to apply for a long start-up visa. But there were no checks, either in Dublin or in England itself. Just a direct output without any control. Further, I stayed there for 4 days, checked the time in England, did not have time to pass the exam, and was forced to fly to Ireland. On the way back, there was a border and they talked to me for about 30 minutes, shouted at me and cursed that I was a bully))) As a result, they let me in exactly before departure.

Now, a month later, I am in France and plan to fly to Dublin to take my English there. My question is, what problems can I have in the future and what would you do in my situation? I have all the documents ready except for the English exam, but will this refusal of entry affect the start-up visa?


Pictures about "Difficult situation with entry to the UK"

Difficult situation with entry to the UK - Green Leaf Plant Beside River
Difficult situation with entry to the UK - London Cityscape
Difficult situation with entry to the UK - Purple Foot Bridge

Can I go to the UK right now?

There are currently no Covid-related restrictions on international travel to the UK. Arrivals no longer need to fill out a Passenger Locator Form before arriving in the UK. The UK divides destinations into "red" and "green" destinations.

What happens if you are refused entry to the UK?

If you are denied entry into the U.K., you will be held at the airport until you can be returned to the location from which you departed. You are not under arrest and no criminal charges will be filed, you are simply not eligible to enter the U.K. on this visit.

Is there a travel ban in UK?

There are currently no red list restrictions in place for travel to England.

Do you need a Covid test to fly UK?

show proof of a negative COVID-19 test. quarantine on arrival. complete a passenger locator form to enter the country. show proof of vaccination status (plus any rules about vaccine expiry or vaccine boosters)

UK Border Control - common questions you might get asked when entering the UK

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Pixabay, Mike B, Pixabay, Pixabay