Travel literature about cycling along the Rhine

Travel literature about cycling along the Rhine - Man Fixing His Bike

I'm looking for traveling literature that covers the topic of cycling along the Rhine river. There are a lot of books, but I couldn't find any that covers all my needs:

  • It should be written in English and/or German
  • It should be specifically about cycling
  • It should cover the whole Rhine river from Lago Toma to Rotterdam and not just parts of it. I also do not want multiple volumes.
  • It should be as cheap as possible.
  • It shouldn't be heavy.
  • It should also contain some hints about sights in the immediate perimeter of the Rhine.

Best Answer

On Everytrail there is one person who set out a route. (like @Dirty-flow) He mentions Rhein-Radweg 1, Rhein-Radweg 2 and Rhein-Radwg 3.

If you are in to apps, I would recommend the Everytrail app, as an alternative to a set of books

Pictures about "Travel literature about cycling along the Rhine"

Travel literature about cycling along the Rhine - Black Fixed-gear Bike Beside Wall
Travel literature about cycling along the Rhine - Rear View of Man on Mountain Road Against Sky
Travel literature about cycling along the Rhine - Person Riding on Red Road Bike during Sunset

Can you cycle along the Rhine?

The Rhine cycle path is relatively easy to cycle, with mountainous inclines only being a factor in Switzerland. Due to the good infrastructure along the path, a multi-day ride on the Rhine is easy to organize. The starting point in Andermatt is easily reached by train.

Where does EuroVelo 15 start?

EuroVelo 15 begins in the village of Andermatt in Switzerland. From there the ride up the Oberalp Pass is the toughest part of the whole route: leading cyclists up to an altitude of 2,044 metres, and the source of the river, before rapidly sweeping down to the lush Surselva alpine valley.

How long does it take to cycle EuroVelo?

How long to cycle the Eurovelo 15? We did the Eurovelo 15 in 17 days, though it's definitely possible in 2 weeks. With two weeks, you won't have any rest days and you'll be covering a lot of ground daily.

Which is the easiest EuroVelo route?

1. For cyclists of all levels. The Rhine Cycle Route is perfect for beginners as it is qualified as an 'easy' cycle route, meaning that it is a great option for those looking to train their cycling skills or to get a first taste of long-distance cycling.

Cycle Touring Euro Velo 15 - Following the Rhine River from Source to Sea

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Images: Mateusz Dach, Pixabay, Pixabay, Roman Pohorecki