Ski holidays in France - January 2021 and Covid pandemic

Ski holidays in France - January 2021 and Covid pandemic - Winter Landscape

Year ago I booked a ski trip to Les Menuires, from january 8th to 17th 2021. It has been cancelled due to pandemic, but since the lockdown in France has ended I hope to go there - on my own.

What I'm struggling with is apparently France is opening ski resorts on 7th of January, but English and Polish sources are vague about the topic - hardly any claim the date as "solid".

Sites of ski resorts I'm interested in all have posted on their sites something along the lines of

"Our opening remains subject to government decisions. We will give you some news as soon as possible"

This message lingers there since France entered lockdown, so my guess is the sites are either not updated, or owners are still waiting for the French gov to make a choice. So what I'm interested are French sources, unfortunately I don't understand French, google translate does help but I don't really know how to filter credible data from speculation. So my questions are:

  • Is opening of ski resorts on 7th of january confirmed?
  • Or is it subject to change at any moment?
  • Is there a date it will be known for certain that resorts either open or remain closed?
  • Does it depend on location? (I'd assume so, if covid cases skyrocket hospitals may struggle to to serve people with ski related injuries)

If covid is a concern - I have recovered from it 2 months ago, I wouldn't even notice had I not been tested.

In Poland the ruling party has a tendency to annouce at friday 11pm new restrictions that start next day. I'm hoping that is not the case in France.


Best Answer

No one knows.

Most experts expect that Christmas will cause a significant spike in Covid cases due to more travel and social gathering and a strong motivation to "flout the rules". This may partially compensated by speedy rollout of vaccines, but we don't know yet how this will go.

If the spike is significant, it's quite likely that the government will take action and increase restrictions. Given that one of the initial super spreader events was actually a ski resort, ski restrictions are very likely.

Frankly, travelling during a serious pandemic for touristic reasons seems quite irresponsible: you got lucky but many others did not. The smart thing to do would be to stay home until vaccination has created enough immunity to keep most people safe.

Pictures about "Ski holidays in France - January 2021 and Covid pandemic"

Ski holidays in France - January 2021 and Covid pandemic - Diverse young friends in medical masks resting on fresh verdant grass in park on blurred background of trees
Ski holidays in France - January 2021 and Covid pandemic - Young couple in protective mask taking photo on smartphone while riding together on cableway during vacation
Ski holidays in France - January 2021 and Covid pandemic - Diverse couple in protective masks in funicular on ropeway

Coronavirus pandemic: France keeps restaurants, ski resorts closed in virus battle

More answers regarding ski holidays in France - January 2021 and Covid pandemic

Answer 2

I'd look at it the other way round. French ski resorts are closed up to and including 6th January. At some point before then, they will review how the pandemic has changed since announcing that decision on 11th December, and decide if the conditions have improved enough that it is now safe for ski resorts to open.

I would be very surprised to see the resorts open in January. In the unlikely event that they do, they may well be restricted to French nationals or French residents (similar to the Swiss restrictions).

Update 10th January

Lifts haven't opened yet and are closed until at least 6th February. An update will be given on 20th January. The first half of February is peak season for ski resorts. If they can't open for that period, then I expect them to stop maintaining the snow for this season and sending home any staff they can.

Answer 3

The question is moot if you're in the UK

With the new strain of Covid discovered in the UK, all travel to and from the UK has been halted by European countries. So you won't be going anywhere outside the UK for a while.

It seems likely that the UK is merely the first European country to do the testing and show higher infection rates in people, and other countries are going to discover a similar problem. In that case things could get more heavily locked down elsewhere. Hopefully that's not the case and the new strain is confined to the UK, so halting travel is enough to stop/limit its spread elsewhere.

Either way, Brits aren't going skiing abroad any time soon.

Answer 4

The countries that have been most successful in curbing the psndemic, such as Australia, NZ and a few others have a) strict border controls and b) strict quarantine rules. Basically if you want to enter, you have to spend some weeks in a quarantine camp first. And pay for it. Even if you are a citizen (in fact, non-citizens have a hard time entering at all).

I actually had not expected European countries to implement a)(strict border controls) anytime soon, but many countries did so over the weekend for travellers from GB, and with very little prior warning. I personally would not be surprised if they add b) (stricter quarantine measures) too if numbers do not go down.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Mikhail Nilov, Charlotte May, Samson Katt, Samson Katt