Polish-Born Canadian entering Poland

Polish-Born Canadian entering Poland - White Ceramic Jars on White Table

My wife is a Polish-born Canadian citizen. She has not carried a Polish passport in over 20 years, nor has she done anything to maintain her Polish citizenship paperwork-wise.

Recently, the Polish government has stated that all Polish citizens must enter Poland on a Polish passport. Since her Canadian passport lists her city of birth, she could be refused entry if she doesn't carry a Polish passport.

We are travelling to Poland in a few months for a family reunion. Our flight is Toronto - Munich - Warsaw. Our planned stay is 5 days.

From my understanding, since we are entering Schengen Europe in Munich, she will never have her credentials checked in Poland, and she will be fine travelling on her Canadian passport.

Is this thinking correct? Or should we go through the tedious process of getting her a Polish passport?

What's the worst that can happen?

Best Answer

Take a shot, or have her passport issued before you leave



The situation for Polish citizens who arrive in Poland while having a passport (and citizenship) of a third country (and not the Polish one) may be sometimes complicated. if the authorities required them to identify themselves and they are aware that this person is a Polish citizen, they are obliged by law to require Polish identification from them. There has been an issue where Polish-Canadian parents were travelling back to Canada with their 7-month old child and the child was denied to leave Poland, because it hasn't got a Polish passport (only the Canadian one). There was no problem on arrival, the issue was only on departure. The OP has prepared himself and his wife for that by travelling to Germany and then, to Poland. This might help. However, if you plan more frequent visits, it may reduce potential problems by having the passport issued.

Worst case scenario: Your wife will be denied boarding a plane in Poland during the border check, if one occurs in Poland, and not in Germany. This may happen when the flight to Canada will be in the same plane, and it will have just a mid-stop in Germany (Munich) for other passengers flying to Canada. If these flights are separate, you shouldn't have any problem, as the first one is in-Schengen flight. Please note that the border control officer would have to gain a suspicion that your wife is Polish and she is trying to leave Poland without proper travel document. It may sound unlikely (and I think it's unlikely), but you ask for the worst-case scenario. In that case, you should book a flight from Germany and travel from there.

Best case scenario: nobody would find out that your wife is Polish, except for her family (who already know that ;) ). You will travel as Canadian citizens according to general rules for Canadians travelling in the Schengen zone.

Source: Polish Consulate in Vancouver

  1. Your wife is a Polish citizen. Therfore, she cannot be denied entry to Poland, as Article 52.4 of the Polish Constitution states:

Obywatela polskiego nie mo?na wydali? z kraju ani zakaza? mu powrotu do kraju.

Polish citizen cannot be expelled from the country or be denied return to the country.

However, if she hasn't any document to prove that, it will take some time to verify that. You probably do not need that.

  1. You plan to enter Schengen zone in Germany. This is a smart move if you want to try using her Canadian passport. I cannot find any regulation which forces a EU-citizen to enter EU/Schengen zone using EU-issued passport. Please note that there is no guarantee that she (or you) will be granted entry to Germany (and therefore Schengen zone).

  2. You plan to travel from Germany to Poland and stay in Poland while legally admitted in the Schengen zone. Unless a situation occurs when she will be forced to present her identification to Polish authorities, there should not be any problem. However, please note that according to Polish Citizenship Act of 2009:

Art. 3.

  1. Obywatel polski posiadaj?cy równocze?nie obywatelstwo innego pa?stwa ma wobec Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej takie same prawa i obowi?zki jak osoba posiadaj?ca wy??cznie obywatelstwo polskie.

  2. Obywatel polski nie mo?e wobec w?adz Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej powo?ywa? si? ze skutkiem prawnym na posiadane równocze?nie obywatelstwo innego pa?stwa i na wynikaj?ce z niego prawa i obowi?zki.

Art. 3

  1. Polish citizen holding a citizenship of another country has the same rights and duties to the Republic of Poland as the person holding Polish citizenship only.

  2. Polish citizen cannot invoke with legal effect his/her citizenship of another country and any rights or duties resulting from that citizenship against the authorities of the Republic of Poland.

Although both Germany and Poland are in the Schengen zone, there is a small chance that the border patrol may stop you when you are near the border (on both sides). Showing your Canadian passport with legal entry stamp to Schengen zone will suit you in Germany, and most likely in Poland too, however in the latter case that will not be legal. It is a violation of the law to use a foreign-issued identity document, if you are a Polish citizen.

I do not encourage you to travel without Polish passport or ID card (the latter can be issued in Poland only), but please remember during your stay, that there is no law requiring a Polish citizen to hold an ID document with himself/herself.

If you plan to fly to Munich, please note that you should also leave from outside of Poland. If your flight from Warsaw to Munich to Toronto is a combined flight, your wife may be denied exit from Poland as she will be a Polish citizen without valid travel document. These situations have happened before. If these flights are separate, you might get lucky.


If you want to keep your trip simple, smooth and you enjoy avoiding problems, get a passport :) You still have few months to go, that should be more than enough to have it issued.

Pictures about "Polish-Born Canadian entering Poland"

Polish-Born Canadian entering Poland - Happy Birthday Greeting Card on Brown Cardboard Box
Polish-Born Canadian entering Poland - White and Red No Smoking Sign
Polish-Born Canadian entering Poland - Text

Can Canadians immigrate to Poland?

Persons moving to Poland from Canada will, for example, need a visa for stays with a duration longer than 90 days. The issuance of the document can be granted to Canadian citizens for a wide range of reasons, employment included.

Can you enter Poland?

As all travel restrictions to the Republic of Poland have been lifted, there is no longer any requirement to: present a vaccination certificate when crossing the border.

Should I travel to Poland right now?

Poland has dropped all COVID-related travel restrictions, including quarantine, so you no longer need proof of vaccination or a recent negative test result to enter the country. Nor do you need to fill in a Passenger Locator Form. Travellers from most countries will now just need a valid passport to enter the country.

How much does Polish citizenship cost?

Consular feesConsular serviceFee in USD2.03Administering an application for a confirmation of Polish citizenship including the delivery of the decision*912.04Administering an application for a consent to renounce of a Polish citizenship including the delivery of the notice*40860 more rows

More answers regarding polish-Born Canadian entering Poland

Answer 2

Since her Canadian passport lists her city of birth, she could be refused entry if she doesn't carry a Polish passport.

No, no, just no. A Polish citizen can not be refused entry into their own country. Exiting, however, is a different story if it becomes clear she's a Polish national.

That said, since the Schengen Area (of which Poland is part) is a single country for border purposes, if not exiting Schengen in Poland a Canadian passport will do.

However, if you do exit Schengen in Poland and it becomes clear that your wife's Polish, she won't be allowed to exit without a Polish passport or ID card.

So in that case, my advice is to get a Polish ID card while in Poland - it is free of charge unlike a passport (though sadly I don't know how long it takes to issue it), and is a valid travel document in Europe, so she'd be allowed to exit any Schengen country (including Poland itself) using it.

Answer 3

I have travelled to Poland through Germany and noone batted an eyelash even or asked anything. I was born there and my CAN passport clearly states my place of birth. :) I don't go directly however because I know that I will have issues as I do not own a PL passport.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Karolina Grabowska, Karolina Grabowska, Karolina Grabowska, Karolina Grabowska