Overstayed Visa, currently in my home country; can I go back to the U.S. as an exchange student?

Overstayed Visa, currently in my home country; can I go back to the U.S. as an exchange student? - American and Chinese flags and USA dollars

I am currently a 20-year-old college student who is living in her home country after living in the United States for 14 years.

My parents and I overstayed our work visa for about 4 years, but I left 3 months after I graduated in June of 2017. I turned 18 in May of 2017 but I don't know if that matters.

I would really like to know if my chances of applying to the States for foreign study abroad for college is possible, or if I am no longer welcomed in the States due to overstaying my visa for the amount of years I did. Although I left 3 months after I turned 18, I didn't have any say in the matter so I would like to know how this would work for or against me.

Best Answer

I turned 18 in May of 2017 but I don't know if that matters.

Yes, it matters. Someone who has accrued more than 180 days is automatically barred from re-entering the US for three or ten years after they leave under 8 USC 1182(a)(9)(B), but "no period of time in which an alien is under 18 years of age shall be taken into account." Since you left within 180 days of reaching the age of 18 years, this does not apply to you.

I have certainly heard of cases in which someone in similar circumstances to yours has received a US visa, but you should of course be aware that your history will invite greater scrutiny of your visa application. The US recognizes (at least in part) that minor children are generally not responsible for their unlawful presence in the US. On the other hand, the current political situation is very difficult for people wishing to come to the US.

Prepare your application with care. Consider mentioning explicitly the amount of time you remained in the US after your 18th birthday, measuring the time in days, not months.

Deception can lead to a lifetime ban, so above all, be scrupulously honest.

Pictures about "Overstayed Visa, currently in my home country; can I go back to the U.S. as an exchange student?"

Overstayed Visa, currently in my home country; can I go back to the U.S. as an exchange student? - Top view of various dollar banknotes placed on flag of United States of America
Overstayed Visa, currently in my home country; can I go back to the U.S. as an exchange student? - Flag of Usa
Overstayed Visa, currently in my home country; can I go back to the U.S. as an exchange student? - Side view of crop ethnic female dealer using trading app on cellphone against netbook with graph on screen in house

Will I be able to reenter the US if I overstay my tourist visa?

If you overstay by 180 days or more (but less than one year), after you depart the U.S. you will be barred from reentering for three years. If you overstay by one year or more, after you depart the U.S., you will be barred from reentering the U.S. for ten years.

Are there available waivers for immigrants who overstay their visa?

Can my U.S. visa overstay be forgiven? Yes, there are cases where the government will forgive your visa overstay, and you can obtain a waiver.

How do I go back to the US after overstay?

If you entered the United States legally and overstayed your visa, and your green card sponsor is a U.S. citizen, you can apply for Advance Parole. You'll be able to go abroad and return to the United States without facing re-entry bars.

Can I adjust my status if I overstayed my visa?

You can adjust your status even if you overstayed your visa \u2013 as long as you originally entered the U.S. with a valid visa or visa waiver.

What is a Visa Overstay? Consequences and Solutions to Over staying a Visa

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Karolina Grabowska, Karolina Grabowska, Jonathan Meyer, Liza Summer