My son has overstayed his visa in Cambodia. He has no money. What can I do?

My son has overstayed his visa in Cambodia. He has no money. What can I do? - Crop mother giving hongbao red packet to son during New Year party

My son, from the UK, is in Cambodia and has overstayed his visa by months. He has no money to pay exit fees.

How can I get him home to the UK?

Best Answer

First, requests like this are very often scams by people impersonating relatives, so make absolutely sure it's actually your son contacting you. If he has access to email, that means he also has access to a mobile/computer that can do a quick Skype call so you can verify it's him. (Yes, Cambodia has tons of Internet cafes and good mobile coverage.)

If it is him, find out how much money he needs. The cost of overstaying your visa in Cambodia is $10/day: (thanks @pnuts!)

He may also need a flight back home. You can buy this on his behalf, or get him to buy one locally. Beware that one-way international tickets can be very expensive, it pays to shop around and look at return flights (and throw away the return).

Then, if there isn't an easy obvious way to send him the money like a transfer into his regular UK bank account which he then accesses from an ATM, find the nearest Western Union outlet and wire him the money. They'll give you a code that you can pass to him, which will let him withdraw the money at the other end. Note that WU fees are kinda high and there are many other ways to do this, but for a one-off transfer this is likely the easiest option.

Don't bother contacting the local UK embassy unless he's been arrested and thrown in jail, in which case things get more complicated. (And be extremely leery if "he" wants money to bribe his way out: odds are it's a scam, or that he's being scammed.)

Pictures about "My son has overstayed his visa in Cambodia. He has no money. What can I do?"

My son has overstayed his visa in Cambodia. He has no money. What can I do? - Natwest Atm Card
My son has overstayed his visa in Cambodia. He has no money. What can I do? - Grey Beverage Bottle
My son has overstayed his visa in Cambodia. He has no money. What can I do? - A Child using a Smartphone next to his Father

What happens if you overstay your visa in Cambodia?

You can be fined, detained and deported if you overstay your visa. There is a fine of $10 per day for overstaying the validity of your visa. There is no limit to this fine. Those who overstay more than 30 days will need to leave Cambodia in addition to paying the fine.

What happens when you overstay visa?

If you have more than 180 days of unlawful presence, meaning you overstayed your visa by 181 days or more, you will be barred from returning to the United States for a certain amount of time. If you were unlawfully present for between 180 and 365 days, you will be barred from entering the United States for three years.

How do immigration know if you overstay your visa?

Travel Records It's pretty easy for foreigners in the U.S. to know if they've overstayed their visas. All they need to do is look at their I-94 arrival and departure cards, which clearly state how long they can stay.

How can I extend my Cambodian visa?

You can extend your Cambodia Tourist (T) Visa for 1 month by going through a travel agency or do it on your own at the Department of Immigration in Phnom Penh. If you plan to stay in Cambodia for longer than 2 months, get an ORDINARY (E) VISA, which you can also get on-arrival via land or airport.

What Happens if I Overstay My Visa

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Angela Roma, Dom J, Suzy Hazelwood, George Pak