Is it possible to get VAT Refund with the D-Type Visa when leaving Slovenia?

Is it possible to get VAT Refund with the D-Type Visa when leaving Slovenia? - Man and Woman Walks on Dock

I am currently an Erasmus internship student in Slovenia. I am planning to use tax free here. My visa is D-Type (103 days, MLT). I am leaving after 1 month. Is it possible ?

Pictures about "Is it possible to get VAT Refund with the D-Type Visa when leaving Slovenia?"

Is it possible to get VAT Refund with the D-Type Visa when leaving Slovenia? - Woman Walking on Pathway While Strolling Luggage
Is it possible to get VAT Refund with the D-Type Visa when leaving Slovenia? - April Calendar
Is it possible to get VAT Refund with the D-Type Visa when leaving Slovenia? - Crop anonymous child getting brown stones from white container at home

How do I claim VAT back in Slovenia?

A taxable person established in another Member State (hereinafter: applicant) shall claim a VAT refund in Slovenia by submitting a VAT refund request through the electronic portal in the Member State which issued the VAT identification number or the tax reference number under which the taxable person requests a refund.

Can you get VAT refund after leaving Europe?

Can you get a VAT refund after leaving Europe? Yes, you have to leave Europe to claim your VAT refund. If you merely cross a border within the European Union, you won't be eligible: the items have to leave the taxable area, not just the country where you purchased them, in order to count as an export.

How do I get a refund on VAT?

You must claim your VAT refund online, via the authorities in the country where your business is based. If you are eligible for a refund, the authorities will pass on your claim to the authorities in the other country. outlining the responsibilities of the national tax authorities.

Can Tourist claim back VAT in UK?

Under the VAT Retail Export Scheme (VAT RES), international visitors to the UK could reclaim the VAT they paid on goods purchased but not consumed in the UK.

Guide to getting the VAT refund in Europe + Importing goods home! Avoid overpaying customs!

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Asad Photo Maldives, Oleksandr Pidvalnyi, Nataliya Vaitkevich, Tatiana Syrikova