Is it offensive to use 'Saigon' instead of 'Ho Chi Minh City'?

Is it offensive to use 'Saigon' instead of 'Ho Chi Minh City'? - Time Lapse Photography Of Road

I've heard some people talking about Saigon instead of Ho Chi Minh City. Besides the fact that those people usually were French (I'm French myself as well) I was wondering if that could be considered offensive by the Vietnamese people. As Saigon is the old name, they might feel a bit weird if someone was reminiscing about the "good old days" when Vietnam was a French colony.

Best Answer

My wife is Vietnamese, and her entire family. I also visited Vietnam with them previously. They all spent most of their life in Vietnam prior to moving to another country.

When I inquired (while visiting) they explained the name change, nothing was mentioned about it being offensive. Also while visiting I saw a large number of shops/etc that referenced Saigon.

I believe that the name change is not a sensitive subject, simply a political matter and as such holds very little in terms of being offensive to anyone. Most locals were referring to it as Saigon however rather than Ho Chi Minh (noted generation differences - younger seemed to use Ho Chi Minh & Saigon interchangeably).

Pictures about "Is it offensive to use 'Saigon' instead of 'Ho Chi Minh City'?"

Is it offensive to use 'Saigon' instead of 'Ho Chi Minh City'? - Low Angle Shot of Notre Dame Cathedral of Saigon
Is it offensive to use 'Saigon' instead of 'Ho Chi Minh City'? - Sài Gòn Chiều Hoàng Hôn
Is it offensive to use 'Saigon' instead of 'Ho Chi Minh City'? - City Buildings During Night

Should you say Saigon or Ho Chi Minh?

Well, the official name is Ho Chi Minh City (often abbreviated \u201eHCMC\u201c), although the southern metropolis has been called Saigon for centuries. But after the Americans, and with them South Vietnam lost the war in 1975, North Vietnam took over and forcefully re-united the split country.

Do people in Vietnam call Ho Chi Minh City Saigon?

Arriving at the international airport in Vietnam southern city, you may get confused when half of the population call it \u201cHo Chi Minh City\u201d and the other half are familiar with the name \u201cSaigon\u201d. And the answer is: Vietnam's biggest city by population has not only one but two names, both Ho Chi Minh City and Saigon.

What is Ho Chi Minh City now called?

The current official name, Th\xe0nh ph\u1ed1 H\u1ed3 Ch\xed Minh, was first proclaimed in 1946, and later adopted in 1976. It's abbreviated as TP.HCM, and translated in English as Ho Chi Minh City, abbreviated as HCMC, and in French as H\xf4-Chi-Minh-Ville (the circumflex is sometimes omitted), abbreviated as HCMV.

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More answers regarding is it offensive to use 'Saigon' instead of 'Ho Chi Minh City'?

Answer 2

I was born and grew up in Saigon. Saigon has always been and will forever be Saigon. Don't call it by any other name!

A historical allusion to these naming is Leningrad, which, similar to most authoritarian states tendencies, was imposed upon the people through violence, bloodshed, oppression. After almost 70 years, Leningrad (Stalingrad as well) has finally returned to its original name, St. Petersburg.

Saigon will be Saigon once again when the people are free to call their beloved city by the name they have always held dear in their hearts. They will quickly bury the name HCM (a nom de plume, meaning roughly "the enlightened seeker") in the dustbin of history once they are free to expose what's really behind these oppressive names. This is not unlike the once-god-like names of Lenin and Stalin and other oppressors.

The name Sa?igo?n, by the way, has nothing to do with nostalgic French colonial days. The name signifies a simple cultural root and refer to the Gòn tree (Kapok tree). I grew up playing with the cotton pods from that tree, and often hiding under its huge shade during the hot or raining days.

Answer 3

No. Everyone will be fine with it.

Ho Chi Minh City is the official name of the city, you need to use it in all paper work. No exception.

The Vietnamese who stays in Ho Chi Minh City and its outskirt call the whole city as "Thành ph?" or "The city". Sài Gòn is used to call its District 1 area, or more specific, the B?n Thành market area.

In 2012, the city bus which headed B?n Thành Bus Station was labeled that they headed Sài Gòn. For example, this bus, which connects B?n Thành and Hi?p Thành, was labeled 18 Sài Gòn - Hi?p Thành, B?n Thành is a sign for the newcomers, who hasn't gotten familiar with custom.

Source: VnExpress

In addition, the main railway station of the city is named Ga Sài Gòn. And C?u Sài Gòn (Sài Gòn Bridge), C?ng Sài Gòn (Sài Gòn Harbour/Port) still exists.

The West-Southerner and East Southerner tend to call the whole city as "Thành ph?" (the city). Sài Gòn is also called occasionally.

The Central Vietnamese (including me), call the whole city (and, sometime, its outskirt likes Lái Thiêu, Biên Hoà, V?ng Tàu, etc...) as Sài Gòn.

The Northerner tend to call its official name except when they know that they're talking with a Southerner.

The media use 2 names interchangeably.

Personal speaking, I don't find any offensive with both 2 names, we like to call it Sài Gòn or Thành ph? because it's short. The Vietnamese people hate to call anything with more than 2 syllables. 2 is enough, 3 is too long.

Answer 4

I'm Vietnamese born and raised in Saigon. No, most Vietnamese would not be offended if you were to use Saigon instead of HCM. I said "most" because obviously there will always be a minority of people who are unhappy about something. I imagine that if you were to run into one of these people, they're most likely brainwashed nationalists who revere HCM -- these people can be found near the northern regions of VN near the capital, Ha Noi. I guess i should correct myself and say that most "Vietnamese in Saigon and abroad" prefer the old name.

Answer 5

There are two aspects to it.

One is simply that Ho-Chi-Minh City is the official name. Calling that city Saigon is somewhat like calling Tokyo by its former name Edo, calling India's Chennai Madras, calling the US state of Utah Deseret, calling New York New Amsterdam, calling the German city of Chemnitz Karl-Marx-Stadt, calling Saint Petersburg Petrograd (or Stalingrad or Leningrad), calling Kaliningrad Koenigsberg, and so on. Renaming of cities is quite common.

The other part is the history of the new name. Ho-Chi-Minh dates back to a particularly bitter period in Vietnamese history, the Vietnam War. The name was deliberately chosen as a "slap in the face" to humiliate the South.

As a result, some people may be offended if you use the official name, while others may be offended if you use Saigon.

Answer 6

Vietnamese residents (southerners) refer to the central urban area (Districts 1 and 5) as Sài Gòn, and as a destination on transport, it's usually Sài Gòn. The expat community tend to use Saigon to indicate all of HCMC, but it leads to confusion with the locals.

Northerners tend to laugh, and just call it Thành ph? H? Chí Minh. But that's because they're always pulling the southerners' legs.

Historically, it was only the central urban areas that were called Sài Gòn, but that's because the rest of the city was farmland.

Source: I lived in B?n Nghé (Sài Gòn, west of the river) and Bình Th?nh (not Sài Gòn, east of the river) for two years, learned Vietnamese, had local friends.

Answer 7

It's pretty like Saint Petersburg to Leningrad, Aéroport de Paris Nord to Aéroport de Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle or Edwinton to Bismarck.

  1. Calling the city Sài Gòn could be considered offensive: NO. But note that in formal or official cases, the proper name of the city is H? Chí Minh City.

  2. Calling the city Sài Gòn may make people reminisce about the "good old days" when Vietnam was a French colony: NO. The name Sài Gòn had been used even long before the French legions came to Vi?t Nam.

  3. On the contrary, calling the city H? Chí Minh may annoy or even offend a number of Vietnamese Americans (those who left the country as a result of the Vietnam War).

The fact that people in Vi?t Nam use Sài Gòn as the city's name in verbal conversations may result mainly from historical and/or linguistical backgrounds.The word Sài Gòn has a history of some hundred years, long enough to act not only as a place name. Also, it is a two-syllable word, much easier to pronounce than H? Chí Minh (note that a great majority of Vietnamese place names are two-syllable names). Besides the historical and linguistical reasons, that Vietnamese people outside Vi?t Nam use Sài Gòn as the city's name is largely due to political factors.

In brief, when you are in Vi?t Nam, there is no problem to refer to H? Chí Minh City as Sài Gòn when talking. Howvever, you are required to (and had better) use its official name in formal and political contexts.

Answer 8

I live and work in Ho Chi Minh City. Saigon to most people is 1, 2, or three things.

  1. the suburb known as district 1 which was once the original old town of Saigon which grew outward from the river.
  2. The airport... name for IATA refers to the city as Saigon (SGN) so all airlines that land in Ho Chi Minh City are travelling to and landingin Saigon.
  3. No one in Vietnam (that I've met) is at all upset if you call it Saigon.

Answer 9

I am a native Hanoian and to me, Ho Chi Minh city and Sai Gon can be used interchangeably, nothing offensive. People like me more consider Sai Gon as a short, convenience and informal name of Ho Chi Minh city. However when I first came to HCM city more than 20 years ago, I realized that local people refer "Saigon" to the central district #1 and the adjacent areas only, while calling just the "city" for the HCM city in general. I stayed at that time in the district #5 of HCM city, a part of the historic Cholon as called by the local people, and is a part of the "city".

So in short, it is not offensive to MOST people in Vietnam to hear the name Sai Gon instead of HCM city. But those are not the same for original local residents of HCM city.

Answer 10

I'm Vietnamese and here's the fun fact: "Ho Chi Minh city" is the official name of the city but Vietnamese people rarely call that name, we prefer Saigon. Why? For some people living in South Vietnam, it's a politic matter. But for th rest, even people from other regions prefer Saigon because that name is simply shorter. So just use Saigon freely, some people might like you more for callinng that name. True story.

Answer 11

Well it is not offensive to call it either way since people use both names but officially it is H? Chí Minh city since it used to be Sài Gòn? until the North won the war and communism started so then it turned into H? Chí Minh city. Either way is fine and it isnt offesive.

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Images: Marcus Nguyen, Anna Tarazevich, Thịnh La, Thịnh La