I lost my Italian residence permit abroad, how can I obtain a duplicate so that I can fly back to Italy?

I lost my Italian residence permit abroad, how can I obtain a duplicate so that I can fly back to Italy? - Things I Can't Say Out Load Book on Green Textile

Sweden is going to ban me from flying if I can't show them my lost permesso di soggiorno from Italy. It was issued in Florence because my old one expired while I was in school. How do I get a copy?

Best Answer

You lost your permesso di soggiorno (Italian residency permit), whilst on a trip abroad. You now wish to return to Italy and are afraid you won't be allowed to fly back to Italy. The solution is to report the lost permit to the local authorities to obtain an official statement. You should then take this statement to your local Italian mission and ask for a visto di reingresso i.e. a re-entry visa. The Italian mission will contact the police commissioner of the city in which the residency permit was issued, and perform some other checks prior to issuing the re-entry visa. The quote below (in Italian) comes from a governmental website (Linea Amica) and rougly states exactly what I paraphrased:

Smarrimento o furto all'estero del titolo di soggiorno


Se si smarrisce o viene rubato il permesso di soggiorno mentre si è all'estero, come fare per rientrare in Italia?


Ai sensi dell'art. 8 comma 2 del Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 394 del 1999, in caso di smarrimento o furto del titolo di soggiorno all'estero in corso di validità, dovrà esser presentata alle autorità diplomatiche una richiesta di visto di reingresso per titolare di permesso di soggiorno, allegando l'apposita denuncia di smarrimento o furto e si dovrà attendere la verifica del Consolato italiano sul titolo stesso.

La richiesta di visto di reingresso si presenta appunto presso le autorità diplomatico-consolari italiane del Paese estero, mentre la denuncia di smarrimento o furto del permesso di soggiorno o passaporto presso le autorità di pubblica sicurezza del luogo.

Il visto di reingresso e' rilasciato previa verifica dell'esistenza del provvedimento del questore concernente il soggiorno.

In caso di problemi con la Rappresentanza consolare locale è possibile contattare l'Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico URP del Ministero degli Esteri compilando l'apposito modulo, indicando la problematica riscontrata.

It is not uncommon for airlines to allow passengers to fly inside of Schengen with just the photocopy of their residence permit and a copy of the police statement. Nevertheless it is wiser to follow the official procedure, rather than to bet on airline leniency.

Pictures about "I lost my Italian residence permit abroad, how can I obtain a duplicate so that I can fly back to Italy?"

I lost my Italian residence permit abroad, how can I obtain a duplicate so that I can fly back to Italy? - I Can and I Will Text On Green Background
I lost my Italian residence permit abroad, how can I obtain a duplicate so that I can fly back to Italy? - Back view of unrecognizable female artist with black braided hair painting graffiti on wall with spray paint can on street
I lost my Italian residence permit abroad, how can I obtain a duplicate so that I can fly back to Italy? - Back view full body of anonymous female painter in casual wear spraying paint on wall with hunkering down on street

How do I find my Italian residence permit number?

To check the status of a residence permit, simply enter the application's numeric code (issued when the application is submitted either in the Questura (State Police) or through the registered process in the Post Office in the space indicated.

How do I prove residence in Italy?

proof that the foreign citizen has lived in Italy for 5 years (the temporary residence permit); the registration certificate issued by the local police force upon entering Italy; proof of having a legal address in Italy (a rental contract or a recent utility bill);

Can I go outside of Italy with receipts of Permesso Soggiorno?

Once you are granted the standard Permesso, you can travel freely in and out of Italy and the Schengen area provided you always bring along the original Permesso together with your passport. If a standard Permesso is not granted, you can stay in Italy with the receipt and leave the country, but cannot re-enter Italy.

Can you enter Italy with expired Permesso?

From 2 months before it expires until the day it expires. PAY ATTENTION: If you leave Italy during the summer and come back after the PdS has expired, you have to submit a request for a renewal BEFORE you leave Italy. If you come back after your PDS has expired, the police at the border will not let you in the country.

What to do when you lost,break or someone stole your PERMIT [permesso di soggiorno]in italy or outs

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Images: Ann H, Tima Miroshnichenko, Felicity Tai, Felicity Tai