How boat traveller's stay duration is tracked in USA?

How boat traveller's stay duration is tracked in USA? - Burj Al Arab, Saudi

I came to the USA by the plane and got 180 days to stay(B1/B2 visa). Then I was travelling exactly 180 days around the USA on the sailboat. And left the country from Key West to Cuba on the sailboat. I didn't inform anybody I'm leaving the country.
In this question I see the difficulties that can happen due to an overstay. As I understand, airlines inform the US government.
How stay duration is tracked in my case?

Update 1: @Crazydre gave a good explanation what to do if something wrong. Thanks, this is very useful. But my question was: How stay duration is tracked for such cases?

Update 2: This question is purely theoretical as I entered to USA 4 times after this. But before each entrance I wondered and worried about how my staying was tracked.

Pictures about "How boat traveller's stay duration is tracked in USA?"

How boat traveller's stay duration is tracked in USA? - A Boat Sailing on River Near City Buildings during Night
How boat traveller's stay duration is tracked in USA? - White Boat Passing Under Bridge
How boat traveller's stay duration is tracked in USA? - Black Boat Beside Bridge

Sailaway Tutorial #8 - Main Traveller

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Aleksandar Pasaric, Max Avans, Jill Evans, Yoss Traore