Category "solo-travel"

Precautions to take when travelling alone around Ireland

I am thinking of visiting Ireland during October (Dublin, Cork, Killarney and ring of Kerry). That will be my first time travelling alone. As a woman I am alrea

Meeting other people while traveling

I tried searching on here, but didn't find any questions on this. How does one meet people while traveling alone? I would understand meeting people in a hostel

Beaches on lakes in Germany - security aspects

I usually travel alone, which raises security issues. The most serious they are on beaches near lakes - when I want to swim, I have to leave all belonging on th

What are logistics like for a solo skier visiting Salt Lake City/Park City? [closed]

I've decided I'd like to go to Utah this year to do some skiing and hopefully score some good powder days. I will be traveling by myself. My p

Do I need to have money when entering a country as a tourist? [closed]

Am I legally required to be in possession of X dollars/money to gain entry as a tourist, on a tourist visa, in any country ? If I arrive in t

How can I travel so that I am never lost? [closed]

What should I factor in preparations so that when I travel, I am never lost ? Edit: I am specifically interested in travelling within Austra

How common is it to get a last minute desert tour in Marrakech?

As per the title, I'm heading to Marrakech and wanting to do a tour either 4D/3N or 5D/4N. However I am travelling by myself (first time ever) and am having tro

Daisetsuzan Grand Traverse in Hokkaido [closed]

I have some doubts about the Traverse way: If I go at the end of April, what type of boots do I need? Is it snowy? How is the ground? How man

Safety considerations for solo female business traveller in Mexico

I'm heading to León in Mexico next week in a business capacity. Other than the usual precautions that solo female business travellers normally take (do

Planning to travel to France from India as solo traveler

I am currently working in a company in India since 2 years but later this year I am going to Canada to pursue my grad degree.(I am an Indian national) Before I

Is Cambridge UK safe?

Next week I'll be in Cambridge (UK) for a conference. I found a hotel that is quite far away from the center (near Orchard Park). However, I am quite scared of

What historic sights can I see in Oslo on a 4 hour train layover?

During my journey through Norway at the end of August I'll have a 4 hour layover in Oslo. My train arrives on 07:04 at Oslo sentralstasjon and the train departs

On budget travel from Orlando Florida to Lake Charles LA [closed]

What is the most economical way to travel from Orlando-Florida to Lake Charles-Louisiana, I am travelling on my own. I can compromise in terms

Should I travel to Morocco alone as a young female?

I've already booked a flight for a one-week long winter holiday to Morocco. Due to a great change of circumstances (=breakup), my partner won't accompany me on

Contiki Alternative? [closed]

I am 22 years old and I want to travel to North America (solo). I have looked into Contiki tours however, are there any alternatives to Contik

Are there any parts of the 9th arrondissement in Paris that is known to be unsafe?

My friend is thinking of renting a place in the 9th. As a single female who looks stereotypically lesbian for lack of a better way to say it… are there

Is it safer to travel with another person when hitchhiking in western Europe?

I hear some crazy stories where young hitchhikers get abducted and even murdered by killers who prey on young hitchhikers. Are the odds of such bad incidents hi

Stay in Berlin for one night near Tegel airport

I have to stay in Berlin for one night. Please recommend me some places which are cheap, closer to public transport, food joints and safe. I do not mind stayin

I want a UK Standard Visitor visa but I am travelling alone

I am 20 years old and want to go to UK from India for a wedding. My relatives have sent me a sponsor form, their passport copy, tax bill, water bill and bank st

Crossing the German border as an underage travelling alone

My name is Madalina and I am 16. In June this year I am leaving my country by myself and have to fly in Germany as a stop-over to my final destination. I am int