Category "sex"

How to ensure privacy and safety in hotels of India?

I do a moderate number of travels with my girlfriend and use good hotels (with a minimum 3 star rating) to stay for single/multiple days. We feel insecure to

Which kind of accommodation allows guests to stay overnight?

The problem: I would like to be able to have sex / bring people over to my room while travelling. I know this is not a problem in bigger hotels, but it often i

Traveling with sex toys to Kuwait

I will be traveling to Kuwait and am intending on taking my 2 favourite sex toys with me. Will the x-ray detect my sex toys in my checked in luggage and if they

I am considering a visit to a Nevada brothel. What should I say at the US border?

I am a Canadian citizen/resident. I am considering a drive to a northern Nevada city to visit one of its legal brothels. According to my research, international

Can i take a small vibtaror with me to Kuwait without the battery?

I'm travelling from Australia to kuwait and wanted to know if it's possible for me to travel with a vibrator, without the battery and unscrewing the cap and jus

Is this "warning for prostitutes" sign actually a real, official sign in Italy?

While browsing Wikipedia to verify what "puta" meant (as I kept hearing it in Spanish) I found this bizarre photo: I tried to find the address "31021 Mogliano

Can I play erotic video games (digital version) in the UAE?

I'll start working in Dubai next month and now plan to install some downloaded video games and porn films to kill certain time. Reading many Q&A in TSE, I l