Category "italian-citizens"

What legal documents are Italian citizens supposed to carry when traveling to Ireland?

This summer I would like to go on vacation in Ireland for two weeks with my girlfriend. I'm 21, she is 19 years old. We're Italian. I have a driver's license a

Can you study in Australia with an eVisitor visa?

I'm an Italian citizen going to Australia in a few months, mainly to visit my boyfriend and his parents who live there. I've read some of the eVisitor informati

How much time do I need to wait for an Italian passport?

I'm an Italian citizen , and i planned to travel to Thailand (Phuket) around July. I'm not a beginner traveller, but I only travelled around Europe. I bought th

Connection times (with customs) in Charlotte

Is 1h25' enough time to go through customs and immigration in CLT (coming from Rome Fiumicino) before a connecting domestic flight? I have an Italian passport a

From Israel to Jordan

I am starting to plan a trip to Israel and some historical places, but sometimes these historical places are right at the border, like the Jordan River for ins

I'm Italian and I'll have one month vacations in Australia. What documents do I need to apply to the eVisitor Subclass 651?

I'm planning to stay in Australia for one month from December 4 to January 7. I've seen that I can apply online for the eVisitor 651, which is free, but before

Should I enter Italy with an Italian passport?

I have Italian citizenship but don't have an Italian passport. I am going to go to Italy next summer for a few weeks. I am British. Is it okay to enter Italy on

Travelling to Abu Dhabi with a passport close to the expiration date

We are thinking of traveling to Abu Dhabi next month but I just realized my Italian passport will expire in three months. Is this a problem? I know in many cou

A really really shy question about language [closed]

In four months I'll set off for my first solo travel, at the age of 18. I'll stay in Bern for about 4 days, and of course I'm not enough wealt

Overstayed my VWP in 2008 due to marriage - will I be denied a B2?

in 2008 I messed up badly. I traveled 3 times to the US on VWP. The first 2 times stayed the full length. Upon my third entry on VWP I was put through secondary

Visa: travelling from Italy to Cuba through Russia [duplicate]

I'm going to Cuba this summer and was wondering which visa I need, based on the fact that my flight could stop in Moscow ( Russia ) and then f

With dual citizenship, how do I use the passports to leave Spain and enter Morocco and vice versa?

I'm both Italian and Venezuelan but currently live in Spain. I'm traveling to Morocco and back to Spain. My problem is that my freshly made Italian passport has

Dual citizen entered the EU with an American passport. What to do?

I am a dual EU (Italy) and US citizen, living in the US. I entered the EU through Rome and stayed in Germany for eight months. I registered as a resident in my

Returning to Japan with an expired re-entry permit

I had obtained a Japanese work visa, but quit my job and left Japan for over a year. When I left, I received a re-entry permit on my passport (I am Italian). I

Can I use an ESTA of an expired Italian passport with my Brazilian passaport? [duplicate]

I'm going into a trip that I will just stop at Miami airport, but not going into USA borders. My Italian passport is expired, can I comprove m

Double citizenship (EU + Non-EU) - How to get the "Out" border stamp on my non-eu passport without leaving?

I have a big doubt related to the Schengen Visa immigration border process regarding double citizenship (EU + non-EU), specially with its "Out" stamp. I entere

Do I need an ESTA for returning from a trip to the US, if I have US-Italy Dual Citizenship? [duplicate]

I'll be going back to the US in February for 10 days or so and up until this year, I've always traveled with my US passport and my Italian ID

U.S. B visa denied under 214(b) in the past, income improved, European passport may show stronger ties?

I was planning on going to the U.S. on vacation 5 years ago when I was studying abroad. I applied for a B visa as a foreigner in France, the country I was study

Do I need a passport for Switzerland and Iceland?

I need a clarification about the necessity of having a passport while travelling in Europe (I am an Italian citizen, living in Italy). I'm going to go in Icelan

As a dual citizen (both VWP countries), does switching passports affect my eligibility for US VWP/ESTA?

I have double citizenship, Italian + UK. I've applied for US ESTA with my Italian passport as primary and added my UK passport as 2nd citizenship. They are both