Category "health"

What immunisations, if any, are required / recommended for Thailand?

A member of my family is headed to Thailand shortly (and I'm considering it as well, haha) and wondering what immunisations are required / recommended for that

Is it possible to build up malaria and dengue resistance?

I have heard that in countries where malaria or dengue fever are endemic, local residents have built up resistance to the diseases so that contracting them is r

What type of mosquito repellent is most effective?

There are many different kinds of insect repellents and bug sprays on the market: sprays and lotions, chemical and natural, huge percentages of DEET and lower p

What is the average cost of a medical evacuation?

Many travel insurance plans include coverage for medical evacuation to privately transport you to your home country if you get seriously ill while abroad. What

Is travelling to Chernobyl safe for tourists?

Recently I read in my Lonely Planet and on some news site like for example this one, that the site of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe is open for tourists. Th

What is the difference between primary coverage and secondary coverage on a travel insurance policy?

What is the difference between primary coverage and secondary coverage on a travel insurance policy? Which is recommended for short-term travelers?

How to choose a good travel insurance policy?

When looking for travel insurance, there is a dizzying array of companies, policies, plans, restrictions, and conditions. What should a short-term traveler look

Cutting pain under eyebrow on plane landing

Since last couple of years I've started experiencing pretty severe cutting pains in the left eyebrow region on plane landing. The strange thing is that it doesn

Is the tapwater safe to drink in Albania generally and Shkodër specifically?

So I've arrived in Shkodër, Albania. If there are other tourists here they're all hiding. I don't have a guidebook and wikitravel doesn't tell me. Can I d

What are the best ways to prevent and/or relieve sand fly bites?

Following on from the mosquito repellent question, I would like to ask about another insect which for me is much harder to deal with, sand flies. Answering a r

How to avoid drinking vodka?

This summer, I spent some time in Moscow and St. Petersburg; I also visited a friend and his family. Their custom was to drink a lot of vodka during the meal. W

How to prevent "Delhi Belly" from eating/drinking locally?

Montezuma's revenge or Aztec two step in Central America, mummy's tummy, or Cairo two-step in Egypt, Kurtz Hurtz in Uzbekistan, Bombay belly or Delhi belly in I

What's the best survival strategy for Running With the Bulls?

The Running of the Bulls can be quite dangerous, obviously. As you're running in a narrow street, with hundreds of other inept runners, what's the best strat

How do you prepare for long haul flights?

I'm always feeling a bit unwell during and after long haul flights. I lose my appetite, can't sleep in the plane, food has no taste no matter what. However, I'm

How to find what are the dominant safety concerns a tourist should have in a country?

Safety concerns for tourists vary in type in countries. Some have insect concerns, eg. types of spider bites to avoid. Other countries have diseases which peopl

Dealing with the 'unclean hand' when travelling (if you're left-handed)

"Among Muslims, the left hand is reserved for bodily hygiene and considered unclean. Thus, the right hand should be used for eating. Shaking hands or han

How to find "night and day" decongestant for a head cold when there's a language barrier?

So I've been in Tbilisi, Georgia for almost a week and the temperature is now dropping below zero Celsius sometimes and I have the dubious honour of being the f

What are the signs of a bed bug infestation?

Bed bugs have become a real problem recently, with more and more places reporting outbreaks. What can you do to avoid being exposed to these nasty parasites?

Legalities and safety concerns of visiting prostitutes in Amsterdam

A friend of mine left his girlfriend after a long (~5 years) relationship. To cheer him up a little bit, we decided to go to Amsterdam, as they have liberal pro

Is it recommended to get vaccinations before visiting India?

I'll be travelling to India soon. I'm not sure if I'll have to time to get vaccinated since it usually takes 2 weeks to kick in. Lonely Planet suggests a bunc