Category "health"

Taking prescribed amphetamines to Dubai or India

Are you allowed to bring prescribed amphetamines to Dubai or India from the USA?

Convenience stores in India

Are there many (enough) convenience stores throughout India that sell prepackaged food? Thailand's 7-11 was great for cheese toasties, etc. I am wondering if w

Destination not hotter than 25 degrees celsius [closed]

I search for a destination where the weather in summer is not hotter than 25 degrees celsius (let it be 29 at maximum). Being exposed to a hot

Will glucose meter strips be safe in the Airplane Cargo Hold?

I will be taking my glucose meter strips with me and need to know if they will be safe in the cargo area.

Can an American visitor in Canada get critical medications sent from home?

My dad is visiting Toronto from the US and unfortunately during his trip last week he fell and fractured his hip. He had a kidney transplant 3 years ago so he t

How to determine what I should eat on a flight with passengers with nut allergies

I recently returned from a trip to Florida on British Airways. On both flights there was an announcement that some passengers have a severe nut allergy and so w

Does buying travel insurance for this trip make sense? [closed]

This is my first post on Travel Stack, thank you in advance for your help. I am an American traveler going on a 2-week trip and don't know muc

Is yellow fever vaccination required for travel to Ireland?

I am planning to fly from Delhi to Dubli-Ireland , transit at Istanbul Do I need Yellow Fever Vaccination? Brgds Shahid Hasan

Is Stugeron (Cinnarazine) Available Without Prescription in Argentina?

Title says it all. Searching found an Argentine firm (Janssen) that imports the drug Stugeron (Cinnarazine) to Argentina, but I saw no information there or an

Obtaining travel vaccinations without insurance in Austria

I plan on travelling to Kenya soon to do some volunteer work. As I have been travelling around for a long time I have given up my previous residency in the Neth

Do I need a meningitis-C vaccination for Ireland?

I am due to fly from Delhi to Dublin, Ireland on the 14th of September 2019, with a layover in Istanbul. Do I need Meningitis-C Vaccination?

Preventing the ears from getting clogged on descent to Barcelona [duplicate]

I've been having an terrible experience when ever I'm descending to Barcelona. My ears would clog so bad that it would even hurt for a couple

Anti Inflammatory gel in plane cabin

So yesterday I suffered a fibrillary rupture, nothing major, I can still walk properly, and I've been recommended to use this anti inflammatory gel. So far so

Traveling from Europe to Beijing, China with prescription drugs

I have to travel from an European country to China for work (10 days). I received a kidney transplant several years ago, which requires me to take some medicati

Is the tap water in France safe to drink?

I am planning to travel to France. When I have traveled recently, I often find myself drinking a lot of water after a lot of walking. Sometimes buying water ca

Is tap water in Moscow safe to drink?

I will be travelling to Moscow, Russia and I want to fill my water bottle at my accommodation (no built-in filters). I have been hearing some myths that this ta

Is it safe to drink the tap water in Istanbul?

Is the water from the tap/faucet potable in Istanbul or must I buy bottled water? If not, what are the specific contaminants in it?

Where can I get a HPV vaccination in Berlin

I will travel in Berlin and want to make a vaccination against Human papillomavirus infection (HPV). is there some clinic in Berlin where I just can go and do

Where can I find the official yellow fever vaccination requirements to transit Panama?

I will be traveling from Ecuador to the United States with a short airport-only stopover in Panama (not passing immigration). I will not be in any areas with a

Can I bring metamizole (dypirone) to the US for personal use?

Assume a person is traveling to the US from a country where metamizole is a common over-the-counter drug. 1) Can it be brought? 2) How it should be packaged?