Category "german-citizens"

Can immigration authorities make cross checks between multiple passports of the same (German) person?

I have the following specific case but it would be nice to have a general answer if one does exist: A fellow German traveler just spent 3 months in Turkey on h

Do I need to get a visa for Turkey?

I'm going to travel to Iran from Germany. Since I've booked connected flights (Germany- Turkey, Turkey- Iran), do I need a visa for Turkey as well as Iran? Thi

What kind of passport do I need when entering the USA?

I heard that you need a biometric passport if you want to enter USA. However, my friend has a biometric passport, but no fingerprints in it. Is this enough? And

Getting into Brazil with an onward ticket from another country

I'm planning to travel around the world starting in the end of July. My first flight is Frankfurt to Rio de Janeiro (via Heathrow) on July 26th. I am a German c

Do I need a reentry visa to fly from Kaliningrad to St. Petersburg?

Suppose I come from Schengen area to Kaliningrad by plane, stay there for a few days, and then take the plane to St. Petersburg. The latter being a flight from

Applying for Chinese visa with dual citizenship and only one passport

First time posting here. I am very confused and worried. Going (or not) to visit China with my class in march. I have dual citizenship (German/Norwegian) and l

How can I renew my 30-day permit to stay in Singapore?

I've read that I can stay for 30 days in Singapore without a visa or without extending my stay. But can I stay 30 days in total or can I stay up to 30 days each

VWP vs. obtaining a visa for the US

I'm flying to the US in order to participate in a startup acceleration program for 90 days from September. I have an Israeli and German passport. If I use my G

Is there an obligation to renew a small child's passport before its expiry date?

I obtained my daughter's first children passport when she was just a few months old. Now she is three and during our last flight an immigration officer complain

ESTA approved on the same day as B-1/B-2 visa refused

I am writing because I have a question regarding my ESTA application and because I could not find a similar case online that would help me at this stage. I have

Can US tourist visa program be used after student exchange visa after visiting Canada and coming back to USA as tourist?

I am German citizen and I am in USA for 9 month with student exchange visa. MY visa expires on 5/13/2015. College told me that I can be 30 days more in USA afte

What kind of passport do I need when entering the USA?

I heard that you need a biometric passport if you want to enter USA. However, my friend has a biometric passport, but no fingerprints in it. Is this enough? And

Non-EU citizen applying EU Tourist visa with German Diplomat Spouse

I'm a non-EU citizen and getting married this year. After our wedding I am planning to vacation in Italy with my German diplomat husband-to-be. My passport will

German entering USA from Mexico after loss of passport?

My boyfriend and I visited my family in the USA last year in August. Then, after 90 days my boyfriend returned to Germany and stayed there for another 3 months

US layover as dual Dominican German citizen without visa in either passport [duplicate]

I'm a student currently living in S. Korea and I have double nationality: Dominican and German. I want to travel back to my country but throug

My passport is stuck at US embassy due to visa printing delay and I have travel plans

I am a South African citizen who is currently resident in Berlin, Germany. I have a valid work/residence permit. I am planning on traveling to US in September a

Obtaining a 2nd tourist visa for Russia after first expired

I'm holding a double-entry 30 day tourist visa for Russia which I obtained as a tourist in Japan through the consulate in Osaka. I'm planning to enter Russia, t

Tanzania Visa: In advance or at the airport?

I will be traveling to Zanzibar in September, therefore I will need a visa for Tanzania. My flight will leave in Düsseldorf and stop in Amsterdam and Nairo

What “National Identification Number” to enter in an ESTA application, for a German?

I’m trying to complete an ESTA application (German citizen). One of the questions asked is about a National Identification Number, with this explanation:

I am German citizen and my wife is non EU with german spouse residence permit. Does she need a visa for visiting UK? [duplicate]

My wife is from India and I am German. We both live in Germany and she has a German residence permit through our marriage. We both plan to vis