Category "gear"

Is the TSA Lock acceptable in European Airports?

I understand if you travelling in or to the US, you can lock your luggage using the TSA Luggage Lock. (Immigration is still able to open your luggage using thei

Why exactly is it so important not to forget my towel when hitchhiking?

As everybody knows, “A towel ... is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitch hiker can have.” But what about us terrestrial

Is there a standard power adaptor to use on airplanes?

For international flights of 12-15+ hours, do the planes usually have AC power available in Economy? If not, is there a standard "airplane power adaptor" that c

What's a good substitute for a pocket knife that can be carried on-board a plane?

I always used to pack a pocket knife in my checked luggage when travelling, but now that I'm travelling with carry-on bags only, security restrictions prevent m

How to cope with dry hands and cracking skin when travelling in cold locations?

So I'm from a pretty warm country, Australia but now I've spent my first month in cold Tbilisi Georgia and I lack the local know-how and intuition of how to cop

Is there a powerstrip that accomodates most if not all AC power plugs?

You can buy travel adapters for AC power plugs, but do powerstrips exist that accommodate different international power plugs in one unit? When travelling and c

Preventing Smash and Grab Theft while Travelling

A piece on Slashdot asks a question that seems pertinent to this site. What measures can be taken to prevent 'smash and grab' - from your car, when your valuab

What equipment do you need for a skiing trip?

I'm preparing for a skiing trip in the Alps with my colleagues (around one week). I have very little experience in this, so I wonder what equipment you should b

How can I travel with a double bass?

I need to travel among several eastern US cities to auditions and must bring along my instrument: a (huge) double bass. What is the best way to travel, given t

Is it possible to buy outdoor clothing in Northern India/Nepal?

Another shopping question, but I do think it is on topic! I will soon travel to India, the first few months I will spend in the south and lower parts of the co

Do microfibre towels dry quicker and absorb more water?

I am going to be doing a tour of Europe, visiting like 20 countries in 49 days and staying in hostels and cheap hotels. Given all this travelling, I think it is

For US travel are Wireless mice banned?

My mother recently traveled to visit and had mentioned that wireless mice are recently banned from air travel? Also, is there a reason why? Is that a flight po

How to make ear plugs work in the tropics

To get a decent sleep I nearly always use foam ear plugs when I travel, as I wake up to easily from any noise. I have a preferred brand and they work pretty wel

Avoiding the traveller's 'fanny pack' / money-belt

A friend insists on wearing a moneybelt while travelling. Some prefer (shudder) 'fanny-packs' . I can't be bothered, frankly, I used to when I was 20 (hav

How best to prevent data loss while travelling?

For my next long holidays I have some massive travel plans. I'll spend some months in remote areas and I plan to take a lot of pictures with my digital camera.

Supplies and support on a long-distance walk

I've travelled long distances, but I've always had my backpack and used transport, and can get by that way fairly easily in general. I've been reading about lo

Key vs. combo lock security for international travel

I leave on my trip next month, and I wanted to buy locks for my backpack since I'll certainly be passing through crowded areas of the city where it may be diffi

What's the most comfortable way to travel with 2 backpacks or bags and a DSLR camera?

Do you have a particular technique for travelling with 2 bags: 1 backpack containing most of my stuff a lighter backpack for visiting, hiking, camera... The ma

Are the backpacks with ventilation mesh convenient for backpacking?

I did not find any official name for those backpacks, but they are characterized by a curved steel frame and a mesh, that allow good ventilation. Deuter sells t

What shoes required for simple trekking in Georgia?

I'm planning a trip in Georgia, where I plan to visit main cities and spend a few days on trekking in mountains. I don't plan any glacier trekking or climbing,