Category "eastern-europe"

How do locals in the country of Georgia treat tourists with darker skin color?

As per the title, should tourists with a darker skin color (i.e. darker than is common in Eastern Europe) expect any issues or hostility nowadays? If so are the

Road trip in Europe: Barcelona to Budapest [closed]

A person and I are planning a trip in which we would like to start in Barcelona and head to east, ending in Budapest. For the moment all we k

Is there a site for tracking driving licence's requirements across an itinerary?

At the end of October I'm planning to drive my motorbike from Milano to my new temporary home in Kalamata, and In doing so I'd love to drive across a few countr

Rome2Rio alternative for the Balkans/Eastern Europe?

So I've quickly come to find out that Rome2Rio is terrible when it comes to Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Here's some examples: When trying to go from Levo&

Is Ukraine and nearby countries in Eastern Europe affected by the current heightened risk of terrorism in Europe? [closed]

Smartraveller's advice for Ukraine mentions the terrorism threat for Europe: Terrorism There is an ongoing threat of terrorism in Eur

Transport in Georgia. Cheap or expensive? [closed]

How is the transport system in Georgia? Is it cheap or expensive? Do cabs charge by some meter of fixed fares or do they charge a lot?

In Belarus, do norms for a work event include informal bar drinks and snacks in the evening? [closed]

I'm currently planning a work-related trip that involves a day-long event with clients. Typical events in the USA sometimes involve a happy ho

US citizens traveling between Ukraine and Russia

My brother and I, American citizens, are planning an Eastern Europe trip where we fly into Saint Petersburg, journey through western Russia and parts of Ukraine

Are sweatpants frowned upon on flights?

I was planning on wearing sweatpants on my flight from East Asia to East Europe, but my parents shut me down, saying that it's not looked upon kindly and people

Kamjanez-Podilsky to Lwiw?

On 12th of February in the later afternoon I would like to travel from Kamjanez-Podilsky to Lwiw as I need to catch a plane in the morning. I would like to go

Are there any retrocomputing museums in the former Eastern Bloc countries?

Before the COVID thing I was travelling in Eastern Europe and after I had to give up and come home in lockdown I got into retrocomputing channels on YouTube and