Category "driving"

I want to drive from Heiligenhafen to Saarbrücken using A1 without being hindered by roadworks

I'd like to drive from Heiligenhafen to Saarbrücken (Germany) on the A1 (Bundesautobahn 1), but there is an interruption between Blankenheim/Tondorf and Ke

What is the longest stretch of the Autobahn that is guaranteed to have no speed limits?

I would like to rent a nice sports car this summer and go for a drive on the Autobahn. What is the longest stretch of the German highways that is guaranteed (sh

Getting pulled over in Switzerland

Since we've been discussing Swiss Vignette and steep fines were mentioned for speeding at Switzerland I got to wondering: In some countries getting out of the

What is the quickest way to get from Portugal to Finland by car? [closed]

My family and I want to travel from Portugal to Finland. Since my daughter is afraid of planes, we need to go by car. We want to make at least

Germany to Italy by train or car in 2017, now the Gotthard tunnel is open?

Since they opened the Gotthard tunnel through the Alps. Is it faster to go from Munich to Genoa by train or by car?

Within the United States (Pittsburgh), when merging onto a lane, which turn signal do you use?

While driving in Pennsylvania, specifically in Schenley Park in Pittsburgh, I was merging from a side-street to a main road, as seen in the picture below. I had

Where in the EU can I rent and drive a sports car on a professional racing track?

Many commentators have suggested that speed driving on the Autobahn is not as fun as it sounds and I should consider going for a racing track instead. Where in

Does a metric for road quality exist and are there maps showing it?

While planning a road trip spanning several countries I am having some doubts regarding estimates provided by Google Maps due to potentially poor roads. For exa

Where are the melody roads located in Gunma prefecture?

I've heard many times that in Gunma prefecture, roads that play music when you drive over them can be found. However, I've not been able to find a clear locati

Driving from Bucharest to Balchik

We're going in vacation to Balchik, Bulgaria between 4-8th July, and I would like to know whether this is the shortest path and how good is the road ?

Road trip in Europe: Barcelona to Budapest [closed]

A person and I are planning a trip in which we would like to start in Barcelona and head to east, ending in Budapest. For the moment all we k

How to deal with a fear of driving?

I've just graduated college and landed a job in the US that will eventually involve me driving long distances to meet with clients. These trips will likely invo

Highway/motorway speed limit for non EU tourist in Germany [duplicate]

I will be visiting my friend who lives in Germany in August. I would rent a car and drive from Frankfurt to Milan along with my friend who is

Queueing for the Rødby-Puttgarden ferry

Driving south again this summer from Sweden to Germany. We normally wing it when it comes to ferries and it normally is no problem. However one may expect that

In Mongolia, what kind of vehicle is a jeep?

In Mongolia, what is meant by a jeep? I assume it is referring to a general type of vehicle, not the US car brand, as Lonely Planet refers to Russian made jeep

How to best get through a motorway toll booth safely between paying and the barrier closing?

Perhaps this is not the most clear question, so let me explain. I own a toll tag and can normally take the 'subscriber' booth and drive straight through. But to

How can I pay tolls on Japanese expressways?

I'm renting a car soon in Japan and am planning to travel on the expressways. What's the best way to pay tolls?

Is there a way to find out about unique traffic laws for the US states I'm traveling through?

I recently drove through Minnesota and was pulled over by an officer who told me that wearing earbuds in both ears while driving was illegal in that state (alth

Would it be safe to travel from Europe to South-East Asia overland with an ex-USSR-military truck?

I am thinking of travelling overland from Europe to South-East Asia with my own truck, but I concerned about personal safety in some areas. I am concerned abou

Is it possible to drive from India to Thailand in own car?

Can an person with an EU passport drive with an own truck, taken from Europe, from India to Thailand? Please note that the requirement is to drive an own, high