Category "driving-licenses"

Driving License required for travelling to France from UK

What driving license is required for driving in France from UK? Is it paper, card or both? The site says: You can use your Great Britain (GB) or Nort

Is my Turkish Driving License valid in the UK?

I have a B category driving licence which I obtained in Turkey. Do you know if my Turkish driving licence is valid in the UK? It was issued both in Turkish and

What are the rules for driving in Mecca?

I'm a Muslim making a pilgrimage to Mecca. I'm an American citizen and have a valid US driver's license. I'm trying to find information weather I need to appl

What are the rules for renting a car in Italy?

I am traveling to Italy next month and part of my trip is to Florence. I would like to rent a car for the day to see the countryside in Tuscany. Some sites I've

Driving in U.S. (Hawaii) with EU license written in Czech

I have a European driving license which is completely written in Czech (see photos below). Can I use it for driving in the U.S. (I will go to Hawaii for 3 weeks

Can I use my probationary Australian driver's license to rent a car in the United States?

I got into this driving thing kinda late, which means I have a probationary driver's license from Victoria, Australia that looks kinda like this: (courtesy An

Do I need a motorcycle licence to ride a motorcycle in Bolivia?

I have a type B European drivers licence with which I'm allowed to drive a car in my home country (i.e. not a motorcycle). Am I allowed to buy/rent a motorcycle

Are there any countries in South-East Asia that don't require a motorcycle licence to ride one?

I only have an European car drivers licence and I'm wondering if it is possible to rent/buy a motorcycle somewhere in South-East Asia and ride it. Is it allowed

Is an IDP required to drive on an American license in Bangladesh?

If one has an American license, is that sufficient to be able to legally drive in Bangladesh ? I read this about Australia

Driving in Croatia with European 1 year old driving license

I'm planning to take a road trip to Croatia, and I'm wondering if I can enter the country with a European driver license that is less than one year old?

International driver's licence (IDD): is this site reliable?

I'm stuck in a foreign destination without an IDD, and apparently the official way of doing it for me is to do it before the trip. However, I found that page:

What is an International Driver's License?

I have never understood the difference between international and non-international driver's licenses. Are some countries issuing non-international driver's lice

Is Greek driver's license valid in the US?

I was searching for info about the need of updating my Greek driver's license to international, but I can't get a clear answer about whether it's needed for use

How easy to take the car in Schengen Area

With a valid visa, is it possible to carry a car for the travel trip in Shengen region? How easy or difficult it is apart of the cost involved? Should owner hav

Thai drivers license in Costa Rica

I have a Thai Drivers license and Motorcycle license. Is this valid to rent a car / motorcycle in Costa Rica?

Is a European Union (Slovakia) driver's licence valid in the US?

I'm leaving for US shortly after I get my drivers licence in 2 weeks or so. I'm wondering if I'll be able to use it in USA. I know about the AAA thing for US d

What limitations are there on my 4 month old UK driving licence for use travelling across Australia?

I’m looking into buying a cheap car to use for travelling around Australia but have been spending quite a bit of time trying to ascertain the legalities/p

Does having a US drivers' license reduce car insurance versus a Dutch drivers' license in the US?

I am currently studying in Buffalo, NY and have no need for a car. However, I may want to go on a road trip and the end of my stay on the west coast. Will it ma

drive in the US while visiting [duplicate]

Can you drive in the US while you visit if you own a driver's license from your own country?if yes, for how long? I heard that you can for 6mo

Indian driving license in Indonesia?

I have a driving license issued by the Indian government (I'm citizen of India). How can i use it in Indonesia? Not for driving taxi but for regular use as a vi